
Monday, December 06, 2021

The Clintons corrupt? NO WAY!!!

The Clinton Foundation’s rapid decline in donor cash has alarmed top ethics watchdogs who say it shows clear red flags of political corruption.


  1. Don't think for a minute money isn't pouring into the Clinton's. Their Foundation has an office in Canada to conceal their crimes. There is not one national secret the Clintons won't sell unless Obama or Bidens beat them to it.

  2. I thought the foundation employees were in the foundation as a holding pen for her presidency. A month before the election most of the employees were let go. They were either moving to the white house or not needed and draining the slush fund. Little did the establishment gop know trump would win. They would have cheated for the dems in 2016 if they had known.

  3. way back in the 1980's we used to get a good laugh whenever the chinks shot off a rocket, they never went over 200 miles or hit any where close to the target. kind of like watching those old film clips of the V-2 problem launches. then it all changed in the mid to late 1990's, they started flying a lot farther than before and they WHERE HITTING THE TARGETS. funny how that worked out now isn't it ? any guess as to where they learned how ?

    1. There was a rumor back when I was in DC in the late 90s: there was plenty of evidence of illegal dual-use (easily weaponizable) tech to China, and the payments were being routed through Gore (the Buddhist monk scandal). Rather than prosecute Clinton and half the administration for treason, the establishment gave him an out: step down over the Lewinsky thing. He was going to take the deal until Blumenthal basically convinced him that he could ride it out, because what was the rest of the government going to do - expose their own complicity with the step-down deal?

      No idea if it's true, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least.

    2. Bill approved the sale of our technology from a defense contractor to the Chinese communist govt. Old news

    3. Crawfisher, correct you are.

      Which meant that cocksucker Bill Clinton got campaign contributions from both Loral Space and the Chinese Communist Party.

  4. Ethics watchdogs just came to this conclusion? The watchdogs must of had their eyes burned out with hot pokers and their ears stabbed with ice picks.

  5. Top ethics watchdogs?
    Do they begin their watchdogs careers as middling watchdogs, then, gradually, as the top watchdogs die off, they eventually reach 'top' status through inertia?
    If I was me, I would start at 'beyond-top', then as the inevitable job stagnation set in and my attention wandered, I could slide down to merely 'top' level watchdogging.
    If they are concerned about ethics, why would they look at the clintonCrimeSyndicate?
    Just on the surface, anybody with half a brain could see the words 'ethics' and 'clintons' are at opposition.


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