
Thursday, December 09, 2021

Hey, you get who you voted for

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Spurred by a recent run of large-scale smash-and-grab robberies, prosecutors and retailers are pushing back on assertions by California's governor and attorney general that they have enough tools to combat retail theft in the wake of a voter-approved easing of related laws.


  1. It's not just a big city problem. The manager of the Safeway store in the small town I live near told my wife last year that her store had $15,000 of alcohol disappear every month. The store's location is close to a lot of unhoused* people.

    *Unhoused: California-speak for homeless thieves. We wouldn't want to stigmatize the bums, would we?

  2. I wonder if Californians actually have the balls to take back their power and depose the governor and his minions "the old fashioned" way?(à la Athens, Tennessee--there must be a lot of combat vets living in the state)

    1. Hell, we just had an election stolen from us and nobody did shit anywhere.

  3. They're not prosecuting the little bastards. They're letting them go do to that $950.00 no bail policy. And it's a policy not a law. These smash and grab idiots are now hitting a mall owned by Westfield malls, who allow guns in their malls, in a location that services people that carry a lot of guns. Placer County, El Dorado County and the central valley hand out carry permits pretty free and easy. It's only a matter of time.

  4. They do have the tools. Unfortunately they have them locked up in a tool box, that is secured in a vault guarded by woke individuals that will fight to see they stay unused.

  5. "voter-approved easing of related laws"

    Who TF writes this shit? The reporter and the editor should both be hung drawn and quartered. Better yet, they should hang out at some of the high end stores and view a smash and grab first hand, then voice their opinion.


    REal voters didn't approve any changes to any laws. If there actually was a ballot referendum, it was stolen using pre printed Demonrat ballots stuffed in drop boxes in the wee hours of the morning. There's actual video out there of ballot stuffing taking place, but, like the laws, prosecutors are ignoring the evidence.



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