
Thursday, December 09, 2021

Pennsylvania governor blocks conceal-carry without a license

Gov. Tom Wolf has vetoed legislation that would have allowed residents to carry a concealed firearm without a license, claiming the measure would exacerbate gun violence in the commonwealth.


  1. Tell that to Maine, or New Hampshire whoever it was that did it and now gun violence is way down.

    1. After constitutional carry was amended to the NH Constitution, the state rep for my district, A BLACK WOMAN WHO SHOULD KNOW BETTER DUE TO THE THE PROHIBITION OF BLACKS OWNING FIREARMS UNDER JIM CROW, introduced a bill to the legislature to overturn the amendment. About 5000 people showed up to the public hearing, on a cold day in February, and her bill was soundly defeated.

      She was voted out in the next state congressional election. All her opponent had to do was remind the voters that it was her bill that would have reversed constitutional carry.

      As to gun crime being low in NH, all crime is low in NH and actually decreased a few percent since Constitutional Carry was passed. Criminals understand that they can never know who's carrying, so they mostly behave.

      Then there's Manchester where most of the crazies live.

      There's a district in my city, near the city center, where most of the crime occurs, despite being heavily patrolled by the local constabulary. Guess who lives there?


  2. This is a good decision. Thugs need to feel safe.

  3. I feel their pain.
    Go to their campaigns and make noise. Interupt their speeches Show up on election day
    Vote the bastards out
    Rinse and repeat

    1. Sooner or later, VOATING HARDER has to work, right?

  4. anyone who expected this asshole to sign this does not know the prick. he never does anything to help the people. just his peers and "friends" or maybe whoever paid him last ?

    1. Pensylvania has never had good politicians. Place is run by the mob.

    2. Well it’s a commonwealth so more like a communist utopia, see Philadelphia crime stats for proof.

    3. the communistwealth

  5. I'll bet he says
    Follow the Sighunce
    Every day. And refuses to allow real world data to influence his decisions.

  6. This was the intent all along, as there was absolutely NO chance Wolf would have let it be sighed. Gun 'rights' groups collect cash, 'lobby' by spreading the cash to everyone including themselves, get it through to where they already know what is going to happen (as in NOTHING was going to happen), then tell their now empty wallet members 'well, we tried'.
    Everyone wins, except the folks it was designed to help. Just like every single gun 'rights' group. Ever.

    1. Thats what happens with every single gommermint agency as well as 90% of NGO's thats ever been conceived to "help" the people for whatever reason. The administrators of said programs distribute money among themselves and supporters and the general populace that support them pays for it, with empty wallets and nothing to show for their expenditures. You are better served and can double your money in the process by folding it in half and sticking it back in your pocket.

  7. meh, my give a shit about whether a state allows concealed carry or not is precisely zero. I haven't asked government permission in over 10 years. Heck I even changed states and could care less. I honestly don't know what the rules are in the new state and I don't care. They have failed to live up to their half of the social contract, therefore it is broken and I certainly have no responsibilities towards them.

    I will continue to live my life as a free man.

    1. While I am total agreement do yourself a favor and check on those laws, sometimes the smallest thing can make the difference between legal and illegal, for instance in my state a simple thing like casually uncovering the butt/handle of your weapon makes it open carry, which is legal here. Use their stupid rules to your benefit and stay free.

  8. LC9s fits in my front pocket quite comfortably; two additional mags can fit in a back pocket or cargo pocket. if you younger fellas wear those tight pants, the little pistol will enhance the look of your package for the ladies! win/win, I say. And no 'permission slip' necessary! Follow me for more 'free American man' fashionable carry ideas!
    Original Grandpa


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