
Monday, December 06, 2021

NYC to mandate COVID vaccinations for all private sector workers

From multinational banks to corner grocery stores, all private employers in New York City will have to require their workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19, the mayor announced Monday, imposing one of the most aggressive vaccine rules in the nation. 


  1. I'm hoping the police are instructed to stand down, the day before his limo gets hijacked.

  2. Replies
    1. Well, you say that...
      General Secretary Zhao Bai Den

  3. Didn't the 6th federal circuit just rule that the jab mandate is illegal until adjudicated? Why yes they did!!!

    So, lawless DeBlovio is currently in violation of a stay on the mandate issued by the court.


    1. How many divisions has the court?
      - Bill DeBlasio

  4. fuck him. mandates are not laws and he is not some god. he can shove the mandate up his ass.
    there is no laws saying we have to do anything of the sort. these fucking asshole think they can just say do and we have to ? fuck him and all the other assholes who say the same shit.
    I do not wear a mask and I am not getting any shots either, fuck them.
    I find it hard to believe how many people fell for this bullshit already.
    did every vet sleep thru NBC warfare class ???

    1. Here is a ret. Sgt who believes this mask wearing is pure BS. It is a dog and pony show to convince the low information sheeple that by wearing a face diaper, they are taking an action that will keep them "safe".

  5. I haven't lost a god damned thing in NYC. When I was in elementary school in the late 50's, there were lots of pictures of New York in the textbooks. I always wanted to see it, but the one I wanted to see isn't there anymore. Way different demographics then.

  6. Jab macht frei (wish I could remember where I saw it; I can't take credit for it)

  7. Following the for Escape from Shithole New York.

  8. When the people vote for tyranny and then expect otherwise....At some point they have to stop blaming the tyrants and hold the dipshits that put them there accountable. Zero fucks given for them. Fuckin Bolsheviks.

  9. The Fifth Court Injunction against the "mandate" is pointless.....because the Circuit Court has no effective way of enforcing their ruling.

  10. The real question is how are the citizens and business owners going to deal with this? Non-compliance is my first thought.

  11. This isn't about health, it is about wanting you dead and enslaved and they think it is funny. The sociopath delights in "getting away with it".


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