
Friday, December 10, 2021

Possession of cash is now illegal?

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) — High praise for a K-9 officer at Dallas Love Field Airport after more than $100,000 was found in a passenger’s luggage.


  1. US LEO are the best armed criminal gangs in the land.

  2. Can you say "civil forfeiture?"
    Bizarre laws that allow property to be presumed ill-gotten until proven otherwise. Frequently abused by law enforcement.

    1. "Frequently abused by law enforcement."

      Feature, not bug.

  3. This is total fvcking bull$hit

  4. My wife is so innocent she just flat cant believe that we could be driving down the road, minding our own business and get stopped by the cops and lose our money, car and freedom at the whim of any cop. Poor thing still believes in the basic goodness and honesty of people.

    1. You have my sympathy, you both are not alone.

    2. I believe in the basic goodness and honesty of (most) people.
      Unfortunately, good and honest people aren't the ones attracted to law enforcement.

  5. Huh? She wasn't arrested, but they just took her money? Sounds like pure, unadulterated theft by cop to me.

    1. This right here. Theft and they wonder why we do not trust anyone in government. They give us every reason not to.

  6. The Moral to the Story is not to use the same suitcase for the Cash that you carried the drugs in.........:)

    1. Enh, there are cash-sniffing dogs, too.

  7. Yes. Tennessee Highway Patrol has an offense called "Carrying too much money Westbound on Interstate 40."

  8. Things are really screwed up when you can't even own money. I know of a guy whose house was raided by police looking for drugs. He didn't have any, but the police assumed he did since his girlfriends brother was a drug dealer. They confiscated his cash and left his house in a shambles, destroying his trophy fish and deer that he had mounted. He didn't get his money back and now he has it buried in a secret place in his backyard. The law is a fucked up thing.

  9. The Moral of the Story is not to use the same Suitcase for the drugs and the Cash

    1. Where in the story does it even mention drugs?
      And once again, you only have to comment ONCE.

    2. They've tested bills and there are trace amounts of coke on just about all of them.

  10. Not sure if still the rule, but there was no limit to the amount of cash you can bring on a flight if you are flying domestic. Of course, TSA has the 'right' to seize if they suspect it will be used for illegal activity. If flying internationally, I think the limit coming into the US was 10K. Still, bunch of BS. Our republic is fallen.


  11. In Texas you can shoot thieves...unless they're cops. I never struggled with feelings of animosity towards police and law enforcement in the past, but the older I've gotten, the more jaded I've become. This kind of shit just reinforces that attitude shift.

  12. Even more disturbing than the story is the fact that it's written in such a casual style, like it's normal and a good thing that police pull this crap all the time. It's an unconstitutional taking or to put it more bluntly it's outright theft under color of authority.

    This practice is so common the money stolen has become a line item in many police department's budget. It's complete and utter bullshit.

  13. Four states (and only four) have banned civil asset forfeiture. North Carolina, New Mexico, Maine and Nebraska. Authorities have to go through criminal proceedings before they can seize assets in those states.

    1. Michigan now has a new law that there must be a criminal conviction before any civil asset forfeiture can take place.
      May, 2019, Governor Whitmer signed Senate Bill 2 and House Bills 4001 and 40002 into law.
      I knew that I had read about it, somewhere. That still doesn't protect you if you are driving out of state. It kind of screws the Dave Ramsey idea to take a pile of cash to buy a new car, doesn't it? Of course, I would not allow the police to search my car unless forced to, due to my being arrested or such. But the cop saying things like, " you don't mind if I take a look around your car, do you?" Uh, yes, I do mind you looking into my car. If he says, do you have something to hide, then no, I don't have anything to hide. " Well, then maybe I should get a warrant to search your car, if you are that concerned with me looking inside of it."
      I would make him either try and get a judge to sign off on a warrant for a fishing trip, or let me go. Because I have seen a friends car after the police did their "search" and it is not what you see on Cops. They tore his car apart, even going so far as to pull his vents out of the heaters, and of course, they did not put them back, but just tossed them on the floor.
      I always thought the police were decent people, since I am from a small town, and my dad rode to work with a part time cop. And another part time cop coached my first youth football team. Not any more. The cops even in my small town are assholes. I know that drugs are a nightmare to try and deal with, but they treat every citizen as if they are crack heads, or meth dealers. So my first inclination in dealing with the police is to play the game and not give them any more than required by law. And to leave the encounter as quickly as legally allowed, even if I have to ask if I am being detained. I had to do this once, and while the cop was pissed at me, he did let me go, while scolding me. Because he knew I was in the right. Asshole.

    2. I didn't know those states had banned it. Let's see what we can do to add to the list. Civil asset forfeiture has always been a bad idea and is being abused all iver the place!


  15. In Florida, the state troopers have some kind of sensor that can tell if you are carrying large amounts of cash when you drive by them on the highway.

    Know a trucker who won big at the Hard Rock casino. Something like 50 or 60K. He started back north up the turnpike to deliver his load when he was pulled over. He wasn't speeding nor had he broken any other traffic laws. He asked the trooper why he was pulled over and the officer told him he was stopped because he was carrying a lot of cash and where did he get it.

  16. Civil Assset Forfeiture. AKA Theft Under Color Of Authority. And since it's always badgemonkeys who engage in this crime it's Armed Robbery.


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