
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Reminds me of Amsterdam back in the late 70s

SAN FRANCISCO -- Some car owners in the San Francisco Bay Area have been going to great lengths to avoid vehicle break-ins, even if that means risking it all. 

"I'm shocked," said former San Francisco Police Department Deputy Chief Garret Tom. "There's so much that can go wrong here." 

We've heard of cars being left unlocked, windows rolled down, but now some people are leaving their trunks open too. It's raising eyebrows as reports of car break-ins are on the rise in San Francisco and Oakland.


  1. It's going precisely according to the plan. Private property will no longer exist, if The Great Reset is successfully pulled off.

  2. Well, that's good to know in case the tent or cardboard box they are currently sleeping in happens to catch fire. Or the pavement princesses need a place to make a few bucks in private. The people that are doing this are very kind indeed during these difficult times.
    By the way, how is the flea, lice, and bed bug infestation in Kalifornicateya doing these days?

  3. Wait til they find a fresh steamer in the back seat

  4. Don Surber recommends the trunk monkey.

    1. The Trunk Monkey ad campaign is old, but was a streak of genius.

  5. Hilarious. It's Democrat utopia.

  6. Every day I'm thankful I live way out in the country.

  7. Work with a guy that lives near downtown Cincinnati. Leaves his car wide open or the 'natives' will break into it every single night looking for shit. He just looks at it as a price to pay for where he lives which used to be the rich neighborhood in the early 1900's

  8. Talk about giving up. Those horrible liberals turned our cities to shitholes and now they're crying! 'fuck em' what a beautiful case of Schadenfreude, but i can't take too much pleasure in their suffering--i live in a shithole city too

  9. I can't wait till they start leaving their homes open. This is what happens when you surrender to crime/evil.

    1. Make sure it's in places where "Duty to Retreat" is the law.

  10. I took a vacation in SF in the mid 90s. That whole area was so beautiful and amazing.

    What a shame to see what's happened there.


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