
Monday, December 20, 2021

Retired generals urge Pentagon to take steps to avert 'civil war' after 2024 election

The U.S. military must start making preparations for another "insurrection" after the 2024 election, according to a trio of retired military generals. 

An op-ed published by the Washington Post on Friday called for action amid growing concern among former senior officials about the "potential for lethal chaos inside our military" in a flash of violence that could eclipse the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.


  1. The first thing the military needs to do is conduct a "survey" among it's leadership. Anyone that thinks the January 6th event was anything more than a gathering of patriots that got slightly out of control needs to be shit canned ASAP. We need to stop this snowflaking of our military and that's the first step.

  2. sending large portions of red state natty guard off oconus, purging warriors from the woke army...if i didn't know better i'd think they were prepping the battlespace....big speech from resident biden on the fifth, hope you're fully stocked.

  3. Maybe honest elections would help?

  4. There's something "not good" going on here.

  5. the generals in question raise many questions, like who is more progressive

  6. Not to be outdone Time Magazine (it showed up in my news feed, I didn't track it down) has an article about the "millions of Southern and Rural gunowners" who will try to overthrow the government in 2024 if Trump is not reelected. Then it had the hilarious line about how militias didn't get started in the US until after the War of Yankee Aggression with the KKK.

    1. I got the same story in the same way but mine said "Newsweek", not Time. Must have been something like an AP feed story or some shit.

  7. The flag grade oathbreakers belong to an extreme Left group calling itself "VoteVets". They aren't bright enough to put up a website that didn't give them away.

  8. When it comes apart, anyone in a uniform will be fair game.....

  9. Perhaps instead of looking at preparing for an event, this was not a flash mob but a build up of frustration from people over months and months, they should start with the why and work out from there. Makes no difference if you are on the left or right about the last election. There was a build up of mass frustration (instigated or not) and that should be the Genesis of any forward thoughts or policies.

    1. The left does not believe in Root Cause Analysis or getting to the true cause of anything, if they did, Pelosi would be one of the star people being grilled by a true bi-partisan committee.

  10. They are expecting a civil war because they are planning on cheating again, and they know we know it.

    1. “We know they're lying, they know that we know they're lying, we know they know that they're lying, and they also know that we know that they know they're lying, but they still lie.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  11. One of the leaders of that group, was my rater when he was a major and I was a captain.

    I never saw anything like this, back then.

  12. Did our enemies pass the background check for the 85 million in arms and munitions they received?

    1. "85 Billion, not million. Billion."

      Enh, it was only 85 billion to you idiot taxpayers. The street price for weapons and ammo in Afghanistan is a lot less, especially for used stuff, even if it's never been fired and only dropped once.
      - General Secretary Zhao Bai Den

  13. a flash of violence that could eclipse the Capitol riot on Jan. 6....
    Holy fuck, a group of preschooler could put on a better riot than that one.

  14. Did any of those retired generals read the FBI report?

    The only insurrection I'm aware took place immediately after the 2016 election and culminated on 11/3/20.

  15. Three retired generals. Three. And people are making a big deal.

    1. How many will it take to make it a big deal?

  16. In simple truth the communist politicians, military complex and woke generals will be the ones who start another war in this country, just like the last one. It was then and true now that the federal government and it's minions don't care for or believe in the Constitution of the United States or our Bill of Rights. They need to rule over us because if/when we stop listening to their never ending nonsense we will start hanging them for treason. .
    Tall tree, short rope

  17. retired generals is the keyword in this, they have no power and have no say in this, not to say that they don't have influence. i'm certain that they have plans and contingencies for these things. it's what the pentagon does, plan.

    1. Lots of active-duty flag rank officers are woketards. The Kenyan packed the Pentagon with lickspittle toadies and yes-men like Milley who are only too happy to violate their oaths and betray the Constitution and the people for "muh pension."

  18. It's all a bunch of bologna about a civil war after the 2024 elections. Who says there will even be elections in 2024..........

  19. If what happened on Jan. the 6th was an "Insurrection", then it is one for the History books and the Guiness Book of World Records as being the first in history (that I am aware of) where the insurrectionists were unarmed, killed no one, and didn't burn down any buildings.

  20. LTC Paul D. PetersonDecember 20, 2021 at 6:12 PM

    So three really low tier GOs sign a letter full of woke BS. Let's not forget the open letter signed by 120 GOs in May critical of the administration on many topics!,no%20other%20time%20since%20our%20founding%20in%201776.

  21. They always accuse us of doing what they're planning to do.

  22. has they rid their fighting force of fighter and replace pink dressed lovers.

  23. While infesting the White House Obozo The SCOAMF purged a couple hundred Flag Rank Officers from the military. A purge that would have made Stalin blush. There is not and hasn't been a Flag Level Officer in the military for more than a decade now. No one should be surprised when this bunch of commie quislings rant and rave about doing something to the rest of us.

    1. They purged a lot of Senior Enlisted during the Obummer years too


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