
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

She married the man who hit, kicked and stabbed her.....

MACOMB COUNTY, Mich. (FOX 2) - Paul Bashi was caught on camera beating the woman who is now his wife in 2018. Today the Macomb County bodybuilder was sentenced to prison on attempted murder and torture charges. 


  1. A couple of comments/thoughts......Doing 'roids for body building is a "thing" with that group of folks. and 'roids can trigger lots of inner demons. Just ask Arnold from Cali about his illegitimate kiddo.
    Also, seesh, when are we going to admit that some wimmins have a problem with their egos. They are so harsh on themselves that they put themselves in bad they can internally say, "see,I'm really not that good".
    another aspect of that ego thing is.....the wimmins think, "he's an inwardly good person; maybe I can get that goodness to come out and help heal him from his problems".
    Now, those are some thoughts that need to be discussed; because sometimes discussing the hard nasty topics is what is needed.

  2. But he has changed, he hardly attacks anyone now-a-days.

    1. Hey! Stealing "he's turning his life around" is cultural appropriation, pal!
      - International Brotherhood of Honna Stoonts and Aspiring Rappers, Local 519

  3. A great example of why emotionally drive women should never be placed in positions of authority. Especially in the military and the legal system.

    1. You seriously thing that most men are just as emotionally driven? Just that they don't admit it - gotta be stoic.

      The only solution to the "people in general shouldn't have power" problem is complete transparency, strict accountability, and checks and balances. Which is what the constitution is all about. Too bad it's not being supported, sustained, or followed these days.

  4. So, it is true. Bitches really do be crazy.

  5. Another case of, "If he won't beat me I'll find somebody who will."

  6. I can believe this. Thirty years ago I worked at a job where one of my female co-workers - a woman who had black belts in a number of martial arts - told me one morning over coffee that the guy she was dating - in a fit of anger - threw her up against a wall in her apartment. I asked her what prompted the outburst and she told me that that was what she couldn't figure out. She said that she could be a real bitch sometimes and would have admitted if she had mouthed off and provoked him. I knew her well enough that she would admit if she "deserved" something. She went on to tell me that they were cleaning her bathroom over the weekend and he asked for something, to which she replied that she was all out of it. She said he then proceeded to grab her and throw her up against the wall, keeping her feet off the ground (She was 5'4", he was 6'1") and glared at her, telling her, "You'd better watch the way you speak to me." Since one of her sisters was a cop I asked her why she was telling me this instead of her and she said, "You don't know my sister. She'll grab a few of her partners and they'll tune the guy up and that'll be it." I asked her if that was such a bad thing and she wouldn't answer me. I then asked her how well she knew this guy and she only said they had been dating for around four months, she then asked me why. I told her that the reason why she should involve her sister is because she has access to public records databases and that if he did this to her now (We here both 27 at the time this happened) chances are, that he's done this before. It might be in a police blotter/report somewhere and at least you'll know who you're dealing with.
    She refused, but kept hounding me to help her and I finally asked her what she thought I could do for her, because it sounded like she wanted me to tune this guy up instead of her sister, to which she replied no. I was going to make a comment to her about her training, but thought better of it because I was once told "Surprise beats strength and skill every time" and I didn't want to rub salt in the wound - so to speak. Anyway, the rest of the conversation went nowhere and three years later she ended up marrying the guy. I bumped into the both of them a few years after that and I was polite to them but that still didn't stop him from giving me the evil eye (full disclosure, he knew that she used me as a sounding board sometimes and despised me for it.) God only knows why they do shit like this.

  7. Little shit syndrome with a roid rage.
    Bag of shit deserves more time.

  8. I'm not going to take sides here.
    If he was juicing he could have lost it and that's on him.
    If she was a bitch that just loves to egg it on she could have driven him to it and that's on her.
    If both happened then they are equally to blame and deserve each other

    1. It takes two to tango. I can state with some confidence that in these sorts of situations they're BOTH to blame.

      The question is what do they do about it. That's the true test of character. One they both failed. Badly.

    2. John, your question is what they do about it?
      We from where I stand it ain't none of my business so I don't care, 2 assholes knocking the crap out of each other isn't my problem or concern.
      Have a great Christmas


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