
Monday, December 06, 2021

Strangers Send 101-Year-Old Navy Vet to Pearl Harbor for 80th Anniversary of Attack

Ira Schab, a 101-year-old survivor of the attack on Pearl Harbor, is headed to Hawaii to join the dwindling number of servicemen who were on active duty that December 7, 1941, as they mark the 80th anniversary of the attack. For Schab, his journey is a gift of love from his family and hundreds of supporters.


  1. My salute and thanks Seaman Schab for your service.

  2. My Dad was there too, on the USS Tangier. My wife and I surprised him 1n 1991, the 50th anniversary of the attack. He passed on 2008. I miss hom.

  3. I strongly urge everyone to pay your respects at the AZ Memorial at Pearl Harbor. While the Mo is berthed there and is probably worth it, it seems like something a carny would do.

  4. One of my Japanese coworkers yapped on about how her poor mother in law was born in Manzanar. When she finally stopped talking, I pointed out that my great grandfather-in-law was killed at Pearl Harbor and that we'd gladly trade. She never whined about Manzanar again.

  5. "his journey is a gift of love from his family and hundreds of supporters."

    Maybe they just wanted to give the Japs a second shot at him.

  6. In 2004 I worked at the TSA while attending University, after retiring from the US Army.
    A very old man needed to be screened, I got the job. Things went very slowly due to his advanced age and my care to see he was treated properly. He opened up to me that he was traveling to DC to go to the WWII memorial. Turns out he was 17, in the US Army, and on guard duty the morning of December 7th. As he told me his story, he teared up. The man was still traumatized after all those years. I hope he is still alive.


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