
Thursday, December 09, 2021

The daughter I never had



  1. Pretty sure she's sitting here beside me 6 decades after that pic was taken, and boy am i one lucky sod, my daughter's somewhat later to the rebel scene but maturing well.

    We need these women with a full set in England, because some 75% of the country has surrendered to the covid crap and will be only too pleased to see us refuseniks herded onto the cattle trucks.

  2. And the parents probably thought that was just too cute.

  3. Love the look on "Santa's" face. He isn't new to this game.

  4. Mom's embarassed, but Dad is grinning I'll bet ...

  5. Nobody noticed the sister's evil grin?

  6. 95% of pictures with me in them taken between 8 and 50 have me giving the middle finger salute to the camera. Pissed my mom off to no end but she was always pissed off about something anyway... Dad would just shake his head, good times. Lmao

  7. I used to volunteer to do the photography for the Santa pictures at my church and my sisters daughter's dance group. At $8 a pop it added up fast, in one afternoon, Sis's Irish Step Dance group hauled in $1000.

    I kept a file of the Santa pictures, the ones like that; crying, screaming, hitting the fat bastard... etc. I wonder where that is now?

  8. Years ago I saw a Viewmaster disk of the Bonanza cast on the set.
    Obviously they were none too pleased to be subjects of the photographer as
    they had all their fingers in their pockets except their middle fingers.

  9. Sorry, you don't teach a little girl this kind of stuff,period. Life is hard enough without exposing a kid to thoughts or gestures that is well beyond her understanding. Give her every chance you can to have a innocent life because life's nastiness will show up soon enough.

  10. Sorry, you don't teach a little girl this kind of stuff,period. Life is hard enough without exposing a kid to thoughts or gestures that is well beyond her understanding. Give her every chance you can to have a innocent life because life's nastiness will show up soon enough.


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