
Thursday, December 09, 2021

White (racist) People Need Not Apply

CLEVELAND — 2020 was expected to be a trying year for the Salvation Army's red kettle campaign but turns out 2021 has been an even greater challenge. 

"The closer you get to Christmas the more giving people are and the more opportunities you'll have, so we're at crunch time," said Thomas Applin, Greater Cleveland Salvation Army. 

The social services agency is struggling to find paid or volunteer bell ringers.


  1. You know, when you tell me that I am a no-good racist white supremacist terrorist insurrectionist deplorable, the chance that I'll give you even one penny is kinda like Joe's current poll rating. ZERO.

    1. Can I get an AMEN!?!??!

    2. No worries. Sooner or later, we'll just get the government to raise taxes and give us a cut.
      - The Salvation Army

  2. I've slipped in pieces of paper into their kettle with the note "Fuck your white hatred".
    Bitches gotta learn.

    1. Great idea!
      Try the "one white apology" preprinted letter sized .PDF floating out there.

    2. Yes, I found the white apology graphic for anyone else that might like it here

      I've been using them

  3. SOME get paid? What do they do? Pay the boo's while the white's have to volunteer? F--- the Salvation Army. Now & 'till the day I die.

  4. Go woke, go broke.

  5. They've learned how much it costs to go woke and piss on the shoes of their benefactors- about fifty grand by their own estimation.

    1. I thnk that is just the Cleveland Ohio area/chapter - I would surmise they are down across the country after their self inflicted racist hatred towads their own white lilly asses that ultimitly mostly support african americans.

  6. Not to worry, the blacks will step up and make up the difference from Whites not giving/sarc

    1. My Father used to serve on one of their boards and said about 80% of the revenue went towards african americans.

  7. Go Woke, go broke. Maybe the CEO of Chick Fill A can swing by with some cash after he gets done shining black folks shoes like he told Whites to do.

  8. I can't say I've seen one of those bellringers or their pot anywhere this year.
    That's great. Fuck those racist bastards

  9. And the sign said,
    "White skinned freaky people
    Need not apply."
    I tucked covid mask up over my face
    And I went in to ask him why.
    He said, "You look like a fine upstandin' nonwhite man.
    can you donate cash
    So I took off my mask and said, "Imagine that.
    Ha, me donatin' to you."

    Whoa, sign, sign.
    Everywhere a sign.
    critical race theory is
    Breakin' my mind.

    Cant be white cant be race blind
    Can't you see the sign?

    And the sign said,
    "Anybody caught conservative'
    Will be shot on sight."

    So I jumped on facebook and I yelled at the tweets,
    "Hey! What gives you the right

    To censor my posts and keep me out,
    An keep hypocritical shit in?

    If God was here, he'd tell you to your face,
    'you lost the mandate of heaven'"

    Sign, sign.
    Everywhere a sign.
    critical race theory is
    Breakin' our mind.

    can be this. can be that.
    Can't you read the signs?

    Now, hey you, Mister, can't you read?
    You got to have a vax and mask on
    to even get a seat.

    Whoa, sign, sign.
    Everywhere a sign.
    critical race theory is
    Breakin' my mind.

    You can't even work. No, you can't eat..
    You ain't supposed to be here.

    The sign said, "You've got to have a vax passport
    To get inside." Uh.

    Whoa, sign, sign.
    Everywhere a sign.
    critical race theory is
    Breakin' my mind.

    And the sign said, "Everybody welcome.
    Come in. Kneel down and pray."
    And when the passed around the plate at the end of it all,
    I wont give a penny or play.

    So I got me a pen and a paper
    And I made up my own little sign.
    I said, "Thank reality for exposing the crime.
    My conscience is just fine

    Whoo! Sign, sign.
    Everywhere a sign.
    cuckservatives are clueless were loosing all the time
    Dont you thjnk its time we got in line?

    Can't you read the signs?

  10. OK, I read the article. NOWHERE does it say anything except they need more staff- paid, volunteer, either. Not a single thing about what flavor of staff. Now, it may well be that they'd rather have some "minority" (which, today, SHOULD MEAN WHITE MALE in a lot of places)- but they did not say that.
    The headline is editorial, not a factual summary of what was in the article.

    1. I was going by an earlier post I did where the SA was saying that we need to apologize for our whiteness.

    2. Decent summary at:

  11. Unfortunately, I had already mailed my annual check to SA when the news broke regarding their attitude toward White people. No more $ from me until I hear an apology.

  12. Send a FOAD email to them at:
    I did.
    John in Indy

    1. It used to be, may still be in some small circles, that intelligence was manifest in a well constructed, rational response. Your 'FOAD' response, more so, your advocacy thereof, is boorish and vile. Are you so debased to consider your comment as anything more than a shrill emotional vent; further, that you have no regard of making a public spectacle of yourself?

  13. Sad thing is, they will only perceive any negative messages as signs of racism, further justifying their ignorant position.
    This is personal for me as my family and many good friends are\were very involved in the SA.
    Sadly though, when they changed pastors at the local church\center, they frowned on my step-daughter volunteering any more since she was living in sin and had a child out of wed lock. That does not seem very woke to me, although it was several years ago.

  14. That reminds me, I still have to schedule a meeting with the lawyer. SA is in my will for 20%.
    Soon to be zero.
    At this point I'd rather fly to Vegas and stuff twenties into the g-strings of the dancers.

    1. Yeah, at least the dancers will pretend to like you.


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