
Monday, December 20, 2021

Young Athletes Dying After COVID-19 Vaccine

The pinnacle of health, athletes seem to have an edge over the rest of society. Their grueling workout and nutrition programs, mixed with natural genetic athleticism, puts them ahead of others in the natural immunity category. So why are young athletes suddenly collapsing and/or dying from heart complications? 

The sports world has mostly mandated vaccines and athletes have been forced to either abandon their careers or get the jab. Since the COVID vaccines became available, nearly 300 athletes have experienced cardiac arrest and over 167 have died. Something is wrong.


  1. The fun won't start till current active NFL, MLB, NBA players start to drop.

    1. NFL and NBA players you say?

      "'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd"

  2. Don't worry, the FDA has a solution: an extra booster of something.
    The FDA is waiting for the highest bidder to decide what that 'something' is.

  3. Chicom antidote....after swearing undying allegiance to some devil, of course...

    1. Yes, I heard the same.
      But they call it a conspiracy theory.
      According to what I heard the anti-jab must be administered every month.
      So, how do you convince the Chinese that you deserve to live another month?
      Your property?
      They just wait and let you die.
      The knowledge in your company?
      They own the bosses, so no luck.
      I think if this is true then Europe and the USA will in a few years be a part of teh Chinese Recolonization Effort.
      "Really a pity, that all Europeans and Americans died from the common flu. Really heartbreaking. But look at the bright side. CHINA RULES!"
      Alex Lund

  4. Athletes have died or become zombies. But politicians have not. This why I don't believe the Politicians, Gates, or Fauci have been jab.

    1. We exempted ourselves from the jab requirement. We're not stupid, we just act it on tv.
      - Politicians above a certain rank

  5. I've heard people say if the vaccine saves one life it was worth it. I'm like, but it kills people too. Healthy people put shit in their bodies and die. People are fuckin weird man.

  6. Already more!!!

    326 Athlete cardiac arrests, serious issues, 183 dead, after COVID shot


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