
Monday, January 03, 2022

15 bucks an hour.....

California’s minimum wage is about to hit a milestone in the coming days when new laws kick in for 2022 and give a pay raise to the state’s lowest-paid workers.


  1. The lowest tier drives pay scales. Sure as you live and breath, every wage, including municipalities, public and private collectives will shoot up and at a rate maybe 2 or three times the lowest rate (legislated into being).

    As an employer should not expect a commensurate increase in job performance, prices must increase.

  2. Wow! Awesome. Minimum wage from $14 to $15. That's TWO WHOLE CENTS extra on top of the 7% Bidenflation. Those poor people in Kalifornia should all get on their knees and praise their Lord Governot Nuisance. TWO WHOLE CENTS and now they can finally afford a mansion like the Nuisances and Nanzis of the world. Hallelujah!!!

  3. Now the "Fight for $15" will change their name to "Fight for $20".
    "Because $15 isn't a living wage."

  4. When I think of all the jobs I had for $3.50/hour....

    1. When I got out of high school in 1969 I worked on a neighbor's farm for the princely sum of $1.45/hour and thought I had it made. Dad talked of working and I do mean working for a dollar a day in the Thirties. Of course, at the time that was good money.

  5. Annndddddd here comes the self-serve order and pay at your table restaurants along with more self checkout in stores and possibly even robot hamburger flippers and burrito wrappers. Oh and don't forget the higher prices for all of that.

  6. And the minute the $15 kicks in the union workers who supported it will also get a raise. That’s why they supported it, not because they were altruistic.

  7. If minimum wage had kept up with inflation it would have already been $15/hr nationwide. If it had kept up with productivity, it would be $19/hr.

    Maybe if we hadn't kept importing the 3rd world while shipping manufacturing jobs overseas we would be in a bit better shape. Every immigrant drives down wages for Americans while increasing housing costs. These burger flippers aren't teenagers any more. They are men who had their jobs sent to Mexico and China. The grocery store my daughter works at has grown men working as carry outs and half the cashiers are women in their late 60's and early 70's.

  8. place billboards in Mexico advertising $15 an hour in California plus welfare as a bonus. Build a wall on the East coast of California.

  9. Guess what? They are still bottom tier earners and the hole just got deeper that they need to climb out of to get ahead.

  10. California's minimum wage will rise to $15/hr ... and the dumb fucks will discover that people making minimum wage STILL won't be able to live on minimum wage. It wouldn't matter if they raised the minimum wage to $10,000/hr, the people making minimum wage wouldn't be able to live on it, beacause ALL OTHER WAGES AND PRICES WILL RISE ACCORDINGLY. That's what happens when a bunch of economic and business illiterates are elected to office by a bunch of greedy parasites that want something for nothing.


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