
Friday, January 28, 2022

Anything to get those Youtube likes

The FAA is investigating YouTuber Trevor Jacob for allegedly staging an aircraft accident in November. Jacob—the former Olympic snowboarder turned YouTuber—was flying solo over the Los Padres National Forest north of Los Angeles on November 24, when the engine on the Taylorcraft BL-65 allegedly quit. Jacob, a private pilot, was wearing a sport parachute and bailed out of the aircraft.


  1. At last count YouTube has over 30 videos from 'real pilots' on soon to be 'former' pilot Jacob. Some of these are super funny.

  2. Asshole destroyed a perfectly good vintage airplane.

  3. WTF was this dude thinking? What if the plane had crashed on someone or damaged their property? All for some stupid "likes"?

  4. Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. What did we used to call that?

  5. The .gov don't like it when your plane crashes in the forest.

    Now years ago when their helicopter crash landed into the Buffalo river in the Nat'l park in Arkansas while on a potential raid of some white supremacists, ending the raid, well that's a different story. A friend was on the river at the time but did not see it. Local law enforcement friend told him about it. Never made the news, I don't know why.


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