
Friday, January 21, 2022

Burglary suspect shoots homeowner with firearm 'likely' found in gun safe

SACRAMENTO COUNTY, Calif. — A homeowner was shot early Monday with a firearm that a burglary suspect "most likely" found in a gun safe, according to the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office.


 "As the homeowner went to confront the suspect....."
Maybe they should've said unarmed homeowner.....

Hey, I live in a low crime area, so low that I see a cop drive by maybe once a month, yet I've always got a firearm on me and usually another within reach. Then there's that asshole dog Jack who isn't exactly known for his good natured attitude towards strangers. There's no fucking way in hell I'm confronting anybody while unarmed - first I send that asshole dog Jack out and if he determines that the threat is real, I'll go out behind him with gun in hand if the situation warrants that.


  1. Yeah, I saw this story on the boob tube and it didn't add up. What kind of an idiot keeps all his firearms in an out-building, then when he thinks someone is out there he walks out without being armed???
    I speak from experience. Both my safes are in my shop but I almost always have two revolvers loaded and sitting right next to me here in the house.

    Unfortunately I don't have an asshole dog Jack to run interference for me.
    Some guys are luckier than others.

  2. I got big mouth 12, plug pulled and one in the chamber beside my bed. By my chair I have Mr. 1911 locked and loaded. I live in the middle of nowhere. My yard and fields are fenced and all gates are padlocked at all times. Show up at my door uninvited and I will do everything in my power to light your fuckin life up. Wounding is not an option.

  3. I'm with you Kenny, several are strategically placed around my home and I'm seldom more than 5 steps away from one so even if I don't actually have one on me I do have one nearby. Plus Boudreaux is of the same mind as Asshole Jack. La has the castle law, originally called Shoot the Burglar Law, so I'm good there as well

    1. "... several are strategically placed around my home and I'm seldom more than 5 steps away from one ... "

      Don't forget a 'Toilet Gun', even if you have to keep it in a zip-lock bag to prevent rust. You don't want to be caught defenseless with your pants down.

    2. I just generally unholster mine and set it on the cabinet next to the toilet.

  4. CA politicians have been waiting for this. Expect new laws on types of safes and where and how they must be secured.

  5. Heh, I can even see you in near pitch darkness. Target you too, without you knowing...or with you knowing. Matters not. Ohio Guy


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