
Friday, January 21, 2022

Commentary: Replacing the Irreplaceable Nancy Pelosi

Last week there was quite a lot of news media chatter about swapping Hillary Clinton for Joe Biden on the 2024 Democrat presidential ticket, a fascinating concept that pundits couldn’t stop talking about. It didn’t receive nearly the headlines, but whispers involving the impending retirement of Speaker Nancy Pelosi — and her eventual replacement — have also begun in earnest.

Of course, there’s been no formal announcement that she’s leaving — either from the Speaker herself or the poohbahs at Democrat National Committee headquarters. But like all worst kept secrets, everyone with a brain and some knowledge of American politics understands that Pelosi shares characteristics with a ticking time bomb set to go off later this year.


  1. Hey no problemo! I've got some dog poop out in the yard that will replace her just fine -- an upgrade, even

  2. The author seems to be confusing the terms 'irreplaceable' and 'inebriated'.

  3. She's toast and will probably retire in 2024. They're grooming Scott Weiner to take her Congressional seat.

  4. I predict the old dirt bag will retire before 2024. Republicans, if there are any with even little balls, should be shouting from the rooftops that when they come to power they are going to investigate her and her husband for all manner of crimes.

  5. It's about time the old blister retired


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