
Thursday, January 13, 2022


I just got an email from a couple readers asking if they'd pissed me off because their comments aren't posting.
I'm not even seeing them. I did notice earlier today that I'm not getting as many comments, but I figured y'all were just having a slow day.
The only thing I did different lately was putting up a word verification deal Sunday after waking up to over 200 spam comments and maybe 10 legitimate ones. I'll remove that in just a minute to see if that helps.
We've had this problem before on this platform and it cleared up after a day or two. Hopefully that'll be the case this time around.


  1. They're out to get you, Ken.....

  2. Blogspot was doing that for a while. You'd type in, and click Publish, and it would clear the box, but you didn't get the," I Moderate my Comments" message. For a while, Ctl-A, Ctl-C (Copy All) was standard before clicking Publish or one of the comment as radio buttons.


  3. I noticed a comment of mine did not make it but figured was a glitch as was not in any way "inflammatory",see if this one hits.

  4. Kenny, we are having the same kind of problem over at Bustednuckles, both at the Wordpress site and the older Blogger site Vulgar Curmudgeon. Another problem is commentators look at a post and get a "Google Analytics" warning sign. It is a feature not a bug I am beginning to realize...

  5. Mr. Lane, I have posted several times lately and they have never shown up and I didn't get the usual message that my post will first be approved but I chalked that up to you maybe banning posts by me from being irritated with my neck tattoo comment 12-24 months ago and it's your site and rules and no complaints from me if I was banned.


    1. Um, I must not have been too upset over a comment about a neck tattoo - I don't even remember it.

  6. And still not the nromal message after posting so it did not go through. :(

  7. On a unrelated subject:

    CNN lost interest in Greta Thunberg as soon as she turned 18.


  8. Ken, you jumped me last week for my message showing up three times. I attempted to send it three times at different times intervals, my post never appeared to transmit and show the process as sent. I noticed later that they showed up, one under anonymous, and the other two under my google login. They all appreared with your timestamp merely minutes apart. I have noticed in the past that when your site is uploading data that my system gets stuck on sending. I know this because when my reply gets stuck, I can exit and then come back to your site minutes later and new content has just been uploaded. Just an observation.

    1. It did it again this morning with this comment showing up twice.
      My apologies for jumping on you.

    2. No, no need to apologize. I let it go knowing that something was interfering wih the service. I only mentioned it today because of this post. If it's happening to me, it's probably happening to others. Happiness is never having to say you're sorry! Be happy....

  9. Yesterday I received multiple warnings from 'Samsung' (maker of my phone) and from 'Google' that I had recently visited websites which host child porn. Of course there was an 800 number to call.

    This was all after I had viewed this site (Kenny's)

    Those warnings persisted even after my several different attempts to ignore, cancel, remove, click OK.

    Then a few minutes later I began receiving unsolicited websites and forum conversations of homosexual nature.

    For the record, I consider ALL homo- as an abomination. If any want to say I am homophobic I will admit that and wear it as a badge. Utter rot is sinful and I will have no part of it and I stand againat it.

    Anyway, I figure it is the work of G-man, the spooks of the fedgov. It sure fits their M.O.

    1. Okay, I haven't heard of anybody else getting warnings like that.

  10. Testing, testing, test
    Kenny I'd you see this then it's cleared up

  11. wait. so if'n we post something, we're supposed to monitor to see if the electrons do their job or what not? man, y'all got way more time 'n me.
    anyhow, shoot me a email when you get a moment, brother. or hell, I might email you in the next couple...
    Original Grandpa

  12. And anybody that's been to Daily Timewaster knows that multiple posts happen all the time, and his site isn't moderated.

    Check your "Publish" settings to make sure you're on "Single" rather than "Three-Round-Burst"

    1. Daily Timewaster is moderated.

      He can do that because he doesn't GET a lot of comments.

      I took issue with one of his posts that was an advertisement for a wireless meat thermometer to be used when grilling. The selling point was that you could put the meat on the grill, go back to the kitchen and prepare any other dishes while monitoring the temp from afar. I responded that the device was taking away the pleasure of listening to meat sizzling on the barby while enjoying a cold beverage. Sorta innocent, but a little barbed. 'Course pointing that out probably didn't sit well with the advertiser, Amazon, through which he's probably earning ad revenue.

      He deleted that comment and has deleted EVERY ONE OF MY COMMENTS SINCE. I still go there EVERY DAY because I like about 99.999% of things he posts, especially Open Road.

      That doesn't make C.W. any less of a jerk.

      I still click on most of the ads to get him points on the click throughs with the advertiser 'cause that supports him running the blog. Got no problem with that.

      Apparently posting disagreeing comments on some blogs, especially articles that are advertisements, doesn't sit well with some blog owners, especially when it might interfere with ad revenue.

      I could name a couple other blogs where I've been censored; all of which are sites like this one, because I've taken issue with articles published by the blog owner.

      If people are that thin skinned that they can't take a little disagreement, they shouldn't be running blogs. But hey, their house, their rules I suppose.

      Fook 'em if they can't stand the heat.


  13. So this is why! I thought it might some type of technical difficulty but after a few days I thought maybe one of my comments got me blacklisted since multiple comments didn't pop up shortly after. No indication that comment data wasn't transmitting.

    Was going to give it a few more days before inquiring w/ blogger, phone network, etc.

    Good to see that it's resolved. :)


  14. After thinking about this for a bit, I wonder if this "word recognition software" is just another stealth censoring tool from your good friends at Blogger. The software may come preloaded with a bunch of stuff that the user can't control nor even see what Blogger itself is looking at.



All comments are moderated due to spam, drunks and trolls.
Keep 'em civil, coherent, short, and on topic.