
Friday, January 14, 2022

Ferris State University Professor Is Put on Administrative Leave After Profanity-Laced Tirade

Some college students in Michigan might have expected their professor to cover the usual topics in a video kicking off the semester this week — attendance, grading, plagiarism. But Barry Mehler gave them a lot more than the basics. 

Mehler, a history professor at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Mich., told his students he didn’t want to know anything about them, not even their names, because “you people are just vectors of disease to me.”


It starts getting good around the 4:20 mark.


  1. That man either needs to be put out to pasture or euthanized, one or the other.

  2. Ferris State is quite near to my hometown, and during my high school years I was there a number of times, for different reasons, mostly music competitions. It was only a college at the time, becoming a university after I graduated.
    It was actually one of the colleges that I was accepted to and considered attending and playing football at, as well as having some scholarships to attend, both academically and as a musician.
    Back that long ago, it was a much different time, and a much different school. It was almost a rural area, not the traditional college town, that it is now. And the professors were actually interested in the students. I have a number of friends from my graduating class, of much under 100 students, who attended there, and actually commuted from my hometown, and a number who lived on campus as well.
    I guess it should come as no surprise that the woke movement should have invaded even smaller universities. These professors likely attended larger universities themselves, and brought their liberal BS with them, with their BA,MA, and PhD's.

  3. Wow. Hello Doctor Stupid.

    He's a fine example of the crazy old bastard nitwit that the eskimos would've sent out on an iceflow. This country is replete with these old, mean, ignoramouses still clinging to positions of power. Look at the idiot gerentocracy that runs the show.

  4. The poster boy for Non-Essential Humans. If everyone would just drop his class in perpetuity, he would be unemployed very shortly. Tenure of not.

  5. I get the impression that man is fed up with young people and a bunch of media hype.

  6. Pure comedy! I couldn't create a better sketch if I tried.

  7. After the *recorded* remark about the random distribution of grades... he is going to find out extremely rapidly that tenure does not mean "what it used to." In fact, tenure never protected profs from illegal activity. The uni lawyers are probably tripping over each other in a "three stogies" style to file the briefs that the university does not support the prof. And promptly fire is ass to prove it. He may be ready to retire, but will soon discover that civil suits still apply.
    -Just A Chemist (who has been around higher education long enough to know that univ administration works to protect the univ, not the professorate).


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