
Friday, January 28, 2022

He killed what?

JANUARY 24--A Minnesota man charged with killing his roommate’s emotional support ferrets told police that he shot the caged animals with a BB gun because they “smell like shit” and claimed that one of the ferrets was laughing at him, according to a court complaint.


  1. I was having lunch at my favorite Chinese restaurant awhile back when this couple comes in with a parrot, the big variety, and puts it on their table. So me being the asshole I am went over and asked her WTF they're doing, and she gives me a wa wa story about emotion support animal bullshit story. Well here in La. there are no recognition of emotional support animals so she is in violation of the health code and the bird's gotta go. Hostess comes over after hearing the woman raising her voice and she tells me that the woman has a card for the bird. Nope fake, fake fake, I pull up the support animal provisions on my phone and show the hostess, she's Chinese so she was confused by what the woman told her. Out they went with a big fuck you directed my way, I just smiled and waved them goodbye. Fucking people these days.

  2. Emotional support ferrets ? what next ?

  3. Replies
    1. But their poop has no odor to speak of.

    2. "But their poop has no odor to speak of."

      I've known several women like that, at least that's what they thought.

  4. We had a different name for emotional support animals when I was young. We called the "Pets" and we knew how to live without carrying them around like trophies.

  5. What? No mention of drugs being involved?

  6. This sounds like a variation of the old college joke:
    Q) How can you tell if yer room mate's Gay?
    A) His dick tastes like shit.
    (his ferrets smell like shit)

  7. My building has a "no pets" rule (very specific about dogs and cats), so I'm getting an emotional support pony next month.

  8. Nothing worse than a laughing ferret ...

    Phil B

  9. I had a ferret many moons ago. They don't smell if you bathe them at least once a week with baby shampoo. However, ferret owner is an idiot for keeping four in a small apartment, roommate is an idiot for killing the animals, and both of these people are idiots, probably due to genetics.

  10. While I'm not a Ferret fan, this guy is a nut case. To put them through so much suffering is just wrong. He should've used a pellet gun instead of a BB gun.

  11. Last guy I knew that had ferrets used them to attract the attention of 10 year old girls, who he'd then talk up and flirt with. He was at least 30 yrs old, and dressed like he was 12. My son and I were camping at a cub scout event and he showed with his son and and several ferrets. He tried talking to me but after seeing his attitude about flirting with little girls, I was pretty short with him. After that, told several other parents that if they have girls, keep them away from ferret owning bastards. (note the girls present were sisters of the other cub scouts. This was way back when the scouts were boys only).

    In fact, every single person I know that has owned ferrets (3 by my count) has been a pervert and pedophile. Not to besmirch any other poster on here, but damn.

  12. My daughter had a pet ferret when she was about twelve. It was no problem at all to take care of. It did it's business in a litter box. Never bit anyone. And it loved to climb on your shoulder and snuggle up to your neck while you were watching TV. It was entertaining to watch its antics with a cardboard box or a plastic tote. It didn't live very long though, only a bit over a year. Since then, we found out they live longer when they have a companion.


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