
Friday, January 21, 2022

KFC’s new fake chicken nuggets are really gross

KFC is the latest fast-food giant to claim that “plant-based” chicken can taste as good as the real thing — but the chain picked the wrong faux fowl to make its case. 

The chain’s supposedly long-awaited Beyond Nuggets (six for $7.99) are beyond awful — worse than KFC’s near-flavorless real-meat chicken tenders.


  1. In a world where everything tastes like chicken.

  2. Thanks for saving me. I was thinking o& at least trying them. It seems that their marketing division would do taste tests to sell at least something the public likes.

  3. Nope , not going to try those things . For some strange reason if I eat even the smallest bit of anything with soy in it I will be miserably sick for three days. I wouldn't wish it on anyone ! It has gotten to the point that I have to read the ingredients on everything that I eat , and you would be amazed by how almost everything you buy has that crap in it. thats probably why we have gotten overpopulated with all of the pussies nowadays

  4. I tasted KFCs mashed potatoes when I was a kid and 60 years later I still wonder how KFC was able to make potatoes taste so gross. I have always refused to go there and eat their food

    1. You don't want to know how KFC coleslaw is prepared.
      Trust me on this...

    2. Aw, c'mom. Tell us, tell us!

    3. Yea, come on and tell us

    4. All I know is hand-mixing coleslaw is a great way to get "just-changed-the-rear-diff-gears-hands" clean...

  5. The only plant based meat I want is the plant digested by an animal who produces the meat. If it's conceived in a lab, plant made to look like meat or just some plain vegetarian, vegan, crap I'm not interested, PERIOD.

  6. Processed foods are bad for you.
    How much processing do you think it takes to make beans "taste" like chicken?
    KFC's REAL chicken hasn't been fit for human consumption for decades.


  7. WTF, $1.33/nugget plus tax for something that ain't even meat?

    1. Welcome to the Left's Brave New World.

  8. Funny how vegetarians and vegans always want to foist “meat” substitutes on the world. Stay in your lane, vegetarians and vegans!

  9. When I tell people that food tasted better when I was young they call me a liar. This stuff, I won’t call it food, is part of the problem.

    1. I don't know how old you are but I'm 63 and I know food tasted better when I was young. The food was real then, we did a huge garden so all our vegetables were picked by us, my father would go in on a half a calf and 2 pigs a year with a family friend and the meat was raised by the friend. We had apple, peach and orange trees as well as a pecan tree. So there was no processed or genetically modified or fast foods or meat loaded with growth hormones in our diet. The crap allowed to be used in our food is a big part of our obesity problem in America

  10. On a related note, don't ever buy Sheelins Irish Cream. I don't know how many artificial ingredients you need to make Irish Cream from wine, but they tried. Horrible shit.


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