
Friday, January 28, 2022

Oh shit oh dear

There are already dozens of cases across almost half of the U.S. of a new Covid subvariant that’s even more contagious than the already highly transmissible omicron variant.


  1. Hey Kenny;

    " Doom, Doom, We are gonna die....." unless we follow the political guidance from the CDC.

  2. Count me out. I'm not playing this game anymore.

  3. No one f*@king cares, no one.

  4. So, the Anothercon variant is here now?

  5. Lions and tigers and bears...oh my!

  6. Oh, noze! We'ze all gonna catch... a cold.

  7. The Covid pushers need to ESAD. They need to exit the airlock without their space suit.

  8. Michael Yon just put up a warning that we should get our HCQ now, according to a source he thinks reliable, if we don't have it already.

    1. Mikeys pretty good. He's.. been around this world before. I pay attention when he's talking.

      .. to that point: do you really think this is over? The smartest people on the planet plan to take over the world with a cold, and.... They're done?
      You think they walk this back from here? Whoopsies, our bad. Thats how you think its going to go?
      Daniel_Day doesn't think so if he is reading Michael Yon.

  9. Vapors! I'm fixing to have a spell!
    Fuck it all, I go commando everywhere.

  10. I'm sure the statistics have been greatly fudged by now, but how many people died of the "common cold" or conditions that began with one, before the scamdemic?
    We know they've lied repeatedly about # of cases; the only unknown is how much lying?

  11. But you don't understand the gravity of the situation!

    We are talking dozens of cases! Dozens, I tell you!

  12. "In the U.S., about 67% of those eligible are fully vaccinated, according to data from the CDC."

    Either the Center for Democratic Control has changed the definition of fully vaccinated in the last week(possible), or CNBC didn't get them memo that the official number is "more than 85%"

    Mark in PA

  13. Two weeks, yeah riiiiight. Anyone with half a brain knew this would never ever in 3 lifetimes end. It will continue well into your grandchildrens grandchildrens lifetimes, At least until everyone taking a breath is jabbed and put on the dung pile of history. I'll give it til the end of the year and the CDC & fake fucki will be touting a variant of the week. Each one more dangerous and deadly that the one before. So whats the big deal, ain't none of us getting out of this circus alive anyhow, you either die with it, or you die without it. Taking the jab just means your taxes go to big Parma so they can have a more "splendid" life than you. They still gonna die and all that splendiness, secret, they can't take it with em. So while we're still here do what knuckle draggers do best. Be the thorn, stir the pot with that really big stick, rattle the chains, throw the wrench at the monkey, be the cat they can't herd, then live long and gaff really hard (that really pisses em off), and die when you're damn good and ready. BFYTW


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