
Friday, January 07, 2022

Praise The Lord And Pass The Ivermectin

With over 1,200 daily COVID deaths for many weeks the US is on track to reach a total of one million COVID related deaths by the end of March. A shameful record for 2022.

To think that every week over 8,000 Americans are dying, mostly in hospital ICUs is unbelievable.  But that is no excuse that there is no serious attention by the mainstream media.  Take a moment to reflect that this is more deaths than those in the 9/11 attacks and Pearl Harbor, combined.  And it is happening every week.


  1. I don't buy that they are all covid. I think pneumonia, influenza, TB, diabetic coma, heart attack, cancer, Alzheimer's, COPD etc, etc. But Ivermectin would help some of those immensely.

    1. and don't forget the deaths from the deathshot itself....Dr, Malone (inventor of the mRNA tech.) talks about and warns of the health crises these things set you up for in the long-run....well, in the case of those who've injected themselves it's gonna be more of a short-run.

  2. I’m thinking a lot of “with COVID1984”....

    not “from COVID1984.”


  3. And every day, 1,800 people die of heart disease and over 1,600 die of cancer.
    With Commie Flu crowding out medical resources, those numbers will probably go up.

  4. I've read that many more people are dying of Kung Flu after admission and ventilation than are being saved by the "standard of care" for the disease.

    I've also read that Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, if included in the "standard of care" would be saving a bunch more people and probably 80% of the current hospitalization rates would cease if those drugs were used. That would free up "overextended" hospital resources for things like heart attacks and other REAL life threatening illnesses.


    1. Shhhhh... Don't tell everyone.

      See Iv and Hcq are old, generic drugs that cost pennies per dose, theres no profit in that.
      Remdisvir hasn't cured one single kungflu case, but its made its patent holders a ton of money, keep pumping the suckers full of it.

    2. And it's WICKED toxic to kidneys.

  5. But yet here i sit in another traffic jam waiting for all these fukers to just die already! YOLO!

  6. These health orgs like FDA, CDC, WHO did everything they could to fan the fear while not even bothering to produce a protocal for outpatient treatment, which most likely would be what a group of "Frontline Physicians" wound up doing and thus saved many lives. All the gov has done is try to block outpatient treatment and get sufferers on a ventilator! They really are trying to kill us.


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