
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sunday Video 1



  1. Pretty sad. Sometimes we only have our dogs.

    1. and in that precious time, ALL is well in the world.

    2. yes. That's Authentic as far as I'm concerned. Respect and love.

  2. Can't those dogs show the least bit of appreciation for what the man is doing? Wag their tail, just a little, wiggle the hip, just a bit?

    1. They both look pretty old. Might not be able to.

    2. Maybe they don’t understand Spanish

  3. Dammit, Kenny! Now I'm a mushy mess!

    Truly, thanks, compadre. Before he died Jim Valvano said we should be moved to tears at least once a day. Done.

  4. That was nice! Sitting here sippin coffee on a Sunday morn, surrounded by my 5 doggos. Ohio Guy

  5. A man can love his wife, with every fiber of his being. Yet the love of his dog is somehow different. He will go into a frozen lake after both of them, risking his life to save either one.
    I am 61 years old, and can still remember my first dog, a St. Bernard, that me and my twin brother would ride on, lay on and he would lay on both of us. His name was Chum, and at age 6, I can still remember him, and all the fun we had with him. I actually have a hard time remember much in detail from that far back, but I certainly can't forget Chum.
    I better quit, I can't see due to the dust

  6. The older I get and the more I know people I would rather celebrate my and my dogs birthday alone....

  7. Given that he's obviously homeless (and thus probably not mentally stable) and the utter lack of reaction from the dogs, I can't help but wonder if he doesn't do that every other day or so.

    Still sweet, but not quite as much so, and a lot more cray-cray.

  8. there's a reason I like dogs better'n people. That man is more blessed than he knows thanks for that kenny.

  9. My pupper will be 12 on Feb 1. This hits home.

  10. Hey blow out the candles already! I’m hungry for cake woof...


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