
Sunday, January 09, 2022

Sunday Video 3



  1. Annnnnd, he gone!

  2. There is a little +- marked adjustment screw on a storm door closer that will speed it up and that would not have happened. Temperature greatly affects the closure time. Adjust it twice a year.

    1. It mainly has to do with taking the storm windows out of the door, but yes just the weather change can make a difference.
      This is actually a very important thing to do to your door when changing out the storm windows.
      One year I forgot to adjust mine and the door snapped shut so fast it chopped about three inches off the end of my Lab Chow's tail. What a mess and I felt bad I put her through the pain and suffering.

  3. What was that crappy, sappy line from the 70's? If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never meant to be.

    1. If she comes back she’s yours
      If she doesn’t hunt her down and kill her....

  4. I had a dog growing up that was a "runner". You had to be careful and make sure all the gates were closed. The first thing that dog would do when you let him out in the back yard was to check both gates. When ever we had company, either arriving or leaving me AND my brother were assigned "Gaurd Duty".
    Lord help us if he got away from us and through the forest of legs at the door, cause he would be off and he would never come back when you called him. But he Loved to hop in the dog catcher truck and go for a ride. Then Dad would get a call and have to bail him out of Doggie Jail.

  5. If you have a dog that wants out that bad, you need to give that animal more room and more time to BE a dog. You don't have a pet, you have a prisoner.

  6. Dog's probably smarter than the "homeowner". Ohio Guy


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