
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sunday Video 3



  1. You aught to see her during sex.....

    1. That's funny. I had that exact same thought.

  2. Good to enjoy your work.

    Also, she's a 1.


  3. Reminds me of Whiplash. "Get off my kit, you pansy ass fruitfuck!!"

  4. Waiting on the bald guy to get stabbed. How disappointing.

    1. Same here or perhaps her falling off the stand, something Kenny usually posts.

    2. Lmao, I was expecting the baton to go right into his eye!

  5. All that action and no one is looking at her.

  6. She's working up to a musical Big "O". Too bad the musical presentation wasn't "The 1812 Overture". She would have got a real bang out of that climax.

  7. Wants to be called Maestro.

  8. I played music in concert band in high school, but got to play for several different directors at festivals ad such. This lady was the most animated I ever saw. And she would have been the most fun to play with, I mean for.
    But really, that woman is why some of the old stuffy sounding music really is quite interesting, if only people would have someone who would breathe life into it, such as this cutie. After watching her and her type, even a man who gets into the music, it makes listening to it, even on headphones, so much more enjoyable, just understanding what it is, and what to wait for.
    As it has been said, there is even power in the silence between notes. Good job Ken.

  9. She appears to have a "feel" for her music. Ohio Guy

  10. As a classically trained musician, a good conductor has the power to make an amazing impact on the quality and production of the orchestra. A good conductor also knows how to do that and make it about the talent musicians and their power together and NOT about making a showboat of him/herself. In this case, she was making it about her antics and not about the orchestra or the music. As this was a practice, I am hoping this was a joke/prank/messing around video and not a practice for her "performance".

  11. They teach musicians to be more "expressive" these days during a performance, violinist being the worst example.
    When I did security work for a arts center I ask one of the bassist how much she looked at the conductor. She said she looked up when there was a change in tempo, otherwise she was reading the sheet music.

  12. We've went to a handful or so of the San Francisco Symphony productions of the Messiah. If you go after opening night, you can get into the cheap seats behind the orchestra and choir, where you can see the conductor's face. I think we have seen at least 3 different ones. All were animated to a degree, though less than this lady. Mostly it is facial expression, and one has always mouthed the words as the singers and choir sang.


  14. Watch the Danish National Symphony Orchestra. Especially, The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. They do several other songs along these lines and I could listen to them all day. The conductor, I think, is damn cool.

    1. Got that album on vinyl, it's fantastic music.

      I don't miss much about living in a big city but man I miss the CSO & Boettcher Hall in Denver.

  15. Danzon #2, by Marquez. Easy one to rock out to.

  16. I once remember hearing a soprano from a touring chorus from England being interviewed on our local "fine arts" station, WUOT in Knoxville. The very staid, button-down announcer from that station asked what it felt like to sing in such a great chorus, and she said, "Singing in a choir is better than sex." A long silence ensued, and I could just see him cringing and thinking about his career choices.


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