
Thursday, January 13, 2022

Temporary Empty Shelves Are Not a Supply Chain Crisis, It Is Important to Understand the Difference

Unfortunately, there is a lot of wrong information being discussed and shared. Even reputable regional media are giving inaccurate information, making wrong interpretations {LINK}, and generally getting the explanations wrong. Additionally, there’s general misinterpretations of ordinary outages based on the day of the week (Sunday) and bad weather in the Northeast. 


  1. Before slow joe biden there were no empty shelves anywhere, temporary or otherwise.

  2. "reputable regional media" what is this mythical creature of which you speak?

  3. Brings to mind Kevin Bacon screaming "AL IS WELL" in Animal House.

  4. LOL, OK. In the last three weeks none of the grocery chains (3) or independent stores in my area have had half-and-half in half-gallon containers....sometimes not even quarts.

    That seems to qualify, under those rules.

  5. Today, two different grocery chains, unaffiliated with each other, the medical supply aisles were nearly barren, dangerously low. From cough drops to rubbing alcohol to bangages to vitamin supplements, all with very low stock on the shelves.

    Also, dairy in short supply (a surprise given this area) but fresh fruit and vegs in good supply. Meats, especially chicken, sort of a hit and miss.


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