
Friday, January 28, 2022

Tennessee Representative Files Legislation Allowing Certain Tennesseans to Carry ‘Any Firearms’

A Tennessee lawmaker has filed a bill that would allow certain Tennesseans to carry rifles or shotguns, not just handguns. 

Representative Rusty Grills (R-Newbern-HD77) has filed a bill that “renames enhanced and concealed handgun carry permits as enhanced and concealed firearm carry permits and authorizes a permit holder to carry any firearms, rather than handguns, that the permit holder legally owns or possesses; expands the circumstances in which a permit holder may carry a firearm.”


The way I understand it, I can carry a half dozen handguns on me if I so desired and I can carry a loaded AR or shotgun in my vehicle because my truck is an extension of my 'castle', but I can't walk down the street with a loaded AR.
Not that I've ever felt the need to, but still..... 


  1. Bureaucratic bullshit

  2. Your comment "Not that I've ever felt the need to, but still..... " is important because this feral government is abridgizing your 2nd amendment rights!


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