
Friday, January 07, 2022

Well, I'm glad that's over

 We ended up with eight to ten inches of snow yesterday with temps not expected to get up above 25 degrees today. It's supposed to get up to the low 40s tomorrow, then rain on Sunday, guaranteeing me a muddy mess for the next week.


I can't figure that asshole dog Jack out - he freaks the hell out if I touch a frozen water bottle to his red rocket thingy, but he's perfectly willing to go out and play in dick deep snow.

Charging me at full speed

My place, front and back yesterday afternoon


  1. Other than the drive home yesterday at 9:30am, I've been loving this. Got to take the 16, 14, 12, 8 year olds out back sledding twice. It will melt of easy this weekend (no shovels this time!) and the bullshit coward "university" I work for has already put us "remote 'learning' only" for the start of the semester, so I "teach" pretty much the same. Got another hour of sleep this morning, and will get to word on a carpentry project this afternoon. It's been fun.
    -Just A Chemist

  2. Dude! Fun? At least for a little while!
    Stay warm friend.

  3. Your place reminds me a lot of the house I grew up in.

  4. We're at 10" snow and a little more, in the land of cannibals to your east, heading towards 10F in the morning. Be safe.

  5. Damn it man that's a lot of snow for that area. Stay warm and enjoy the snow

  6. You must have been standing between the door & that dog. I would be running for the door too. I don't do snow.

  7. No snow here, (N. central Iowa). It all blew away! -11 this morning though. Had to take the wife to the hospital for her 3 time a week visit. Home & warm now. Dogs don't stay out long in this crap!

  8. Can't figure that dog out, well, you named him appropriately "That Asshole Dog Jack", he does that precisely cause he's an asshole. So name well deserved.
    Nice layout though. I'm enjoying the winter snowed in (as usual) had 20+ inches yesterday on top of the already 3+ft. More on the way. Primary occupation these days is watching wood burn on the stove. But come spring, summer, & fall (seasons here are known as Mud, Dust, Smoke{for the fires} and frozen) it's 10hrs. a day 7 days a week

  9. Hey Ken , when did you move from Tennessee to Wisconsin? looks like the tundra there! That darn "Global Warming" is a bitch huh? be safe people dont think to slow down in this stuff and that makes getting around interesting sometimes

  10. Looks like Jack has had more than a few treats. Better a bit round than skinny. At least it's warmer.

    I was hoping my global warming wing nut sister-in-law in south central Tennessee would catch that, but the heavy snow missed her.

    Stay warm, Kenny.

  11. Seen a dog with his red rocket painted Ford engine blue. Funny as he'll. Some asshole took a Sharpe and drew glasses on him. Poor old dog.

  12. Replies
    1. It was pretty, I'll admit that.
      The best part was that it grounded me here at the house for a couple days.

  13. We got 4" here in central New England. Just came back in from clearing the packed stuff left by the plow(I live in a condo) so that it doesn't freeze solid tonight and I fall on my fat old ass taking the trash to the dumpster tomorrow. 30F right now. Supposed to go into the upper teens tonight.


    1. Right now it's 20 degrees and dropping slowly, supposed to get down to 14 degrees tonight, then by 10 tomorrow morning it'll get above freezing and the snow melt will start. Already got my rubber boots out.

  14. I just realized your property is on a gentle downslope to the south(?) where it drops off to that line of trees. Imagine what a worse sponge it would be if it was all dead flat.

    I see it on my own property. The flat sections take forever to dry out whereas the sloped portions dry out within a few days.

    1. You've been playing with the elevation feature on Google Earth, huh?
      My place generally drains downhill pretty quickly, but I've got approximately 15 miles of mole tunnels crisscrossing my property, and they fill up and then turn into mudholes as soon as I step on them.

  15. That's a mighty purrty place you have there, Kenny. Lovely with the undisturbed snow.
    We had a big herd of ponies when I was a kid in IN. When it would snow they'd roll in it!

  16. Same here 40 miles N of you in Glasgow Ky. Good time to stray home.

  17. I measured 7 inches just about every where I went. The steep roads and sub freezing weather means we won't get out until the rains Sunday morning. But it is okay. We were stuck in the valley for almost two weeks a few years ago because of ice on top of the packed snow. And the county does not plow or salt our road, so we just have to be ready to last the duration. Our hens have decided that the inside of the coup is just fine right now.

    Glad you did not suffer any issues. It sure is pretty coming down, but we are fixing to have a mess left after the rains.

    1. They actually ran a road grader up and down my road Thursday evening to knock the slush and ice off. I probably could've gotten out yesterday, but there was no need to, so I just sat on my ass.
      My chickens haven't left their henhouse in 2 days now. They're perfectly content to huddle up inside.
      I do remember being iced in for a few days a couple three years ago. At least we have ag traffic to break up the ice on my road.

  18. The cat eliminated our mole population in short order, perhaps you can get a loaner. Are those pecan trees? Looks like a once orchard.

    1. No, they're all maples except for the big spruce. I had a pecan out by the shed but it snapped during a tornado a couple three years back. No biggie, it was ornamental anyway.


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