
Friday, February 04, 2022

And if you've been vaccinated, you might as well hire that shit out

Shoveling the driveway is might be the worst part of a winter snow day. One expert warns that it could even deadly. 

Dr John Bisognano, head of preventive cardiology at the University of Michigan Health Frankel Cardiovascular Center, warned that people who live stagnant lives could end up straining themselves to the point of death while shoveling snow.


All joking aside, it will be interesting to see if snow shoveling deaths go up since the widespread vaccinations started.


  1. The worst part of shoveling snow outside is the risk of catching a cold and getting into panic, rushing to the emergency room, and being told you'll die from covid.
    Oops, that's for sheeple only.

  2. Heart attacks of all causes in men 18 to 64 are up 40% in q3 and q4 of 2021. So likely yes.


  3. Any snow in Israel?

  4. Not an easy metric to enumerate as the volume of snow and where it falls varies so widely fro year to year.

  5. A coworker in Minnesota died on his couch after shoveling the driveway. Mid 40’s IT dude with a wife and kids. This was way before COVID, around 2016.

  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you're a lazy motherfucker who sits on the couch all day long, you aren't very likely to go outside and shovel snow in the first place, are you?

    1. Once your kids grow up that snow doesn’t shovel itself. I let myself go when I was in my 40’s, the boys grew up and left home.... My oldest, who became a para medic, would call home and say” dad, I just ran on a fat 50 year old guy who had a heart attack shoveling snow, he didn't make it. Have you bought a snow blower yet?” My daughter started helping me and that helped. I didn’t buy a snow blower until I was in my 60’s. Now my solution is leave money with step daughter, call home occasionally to see how things are going and tell them we’ll be back sometime after the robins. I know understand why my parents wasted to go to florida in the winter.

  7. Of course, if shoveling deaths do increase, climate change is responsible.

  8. One of the happieat days of my life, was when I sold my snowblower.... Moved south.

  9. Eh, we heard this same wailing about 20 years ago when some medical sort moaned that men who hunted could expire from climbing trees and dragging deer.

  10. "Heart attack" snow has been a thing as long as I can remember.

  11. Cold alone, even without the exertion of shoveling snow, is associated with greater incidence of heart attack. This has been known for a long time. The classic illustration by Frank Netter is very familiar to former medical students of a certain age. Scroll down a bit at the link here:

    >it will be interesting to see if snow shoveling deaths go up since the widespread vaccinations
    True, but the incidence (number of) shoveling/heart attack deaths might not be enough to draw robust conclusions however (relatively few deaths, therefore wide confidence intervals when you run the statistics).


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