
Monday, February 21, 2022

California gas prices hit record highs

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California gas prices are at a record high and could get higher as we head into Presidents Day weekend. 

Experts say the state could see prices hit $5 a gallon soon.


Just to make the rest of you Californians feel better, I'm seeing that gas in Bridgeport on the eastern slope of the Sierras is running $5.89 a gallon.
Due to it's semi-remote location, Bridgeport typically runs about a dollar a gallon higher than the San Joaquin Valley which is why any time I spent over Sonora Pass, there was enough gas in cans in the back of my truck to get me home after dicking around all day (or weekend) up there.


  1. Back in 2000 my father came to visit me in CA and we drove up to Yosemite. At the time, regular ran around $1.25/gal and I remember us being gobsmacked at the price of gas up there, about $2.50/gal IIRC.

  2. I just went through Death Valley. $7.59 per gal.

  3. Welp... They literally voted for that shit. Reap it.


    1. They sure as shit did! I'm in Northern California and most of these dumb fucks can't or won't read past the flowery and deceptive wording on these bills. They also never learn from the past.

  4. Just reading a report on US Oil and Gas production and it's at record highs, no thanks to Joe.
    The existing developed leases and drilling on previously approved tracts kicked into high gear when the market price for a barrel of crude hit record highs, thanks Joe.
    The oil and gas will take longer to get to the refineries, trucker shortage and no new gas pipelines, thanks Joe.
    But when the product does get into the supply pipeline the prices will at least stabilize and may go down, it will be no thanks to Joe. But rest assured that he WILL get the undeserved credit for it.

  5. I paid $3.49 last Friday here in central New England. It hasn't changed, yet. Nemo

  6. I live in Englandistan. Here the price of petrol (gas to you Colonial cousins) is about US$7.83 per US gallon.
    Suffer we do.

  7. Upper limit on prices broke through about a week ago. Before that we still had $3.98 cash regular, but all the sudden prices have ramped; I filled up yesterday at $4.27 cash. Could be another one of Newsom's taxes kicked in.


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