
Thursday, February 17, 2022

Fuck the Feds

WASHINGTON (WZTV) — A Kentucky woman is the latest to be arrested in connection to the January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol breach according to the Department of Justice.


  1. The fbi stop hasn't arrested the person that they got on tape planting the bombs in dc ,I believe that I've seen video of the person talking on a cell phone.Hmmmmmm

  2. When they came for the Jan 6th defendants, nobody protested because they weren't there Jan 6th.
    When they came for the truckers, nobody protested because they weren't truckers....
    How we burned in the camps.
    Essenual solysheim if you haven't read him.

  3. It's cute how they call that bit of theater an insurrection. Was it supposed to whip people into a flag-waving frenzy? Oops.

    Empires don't die that way, they die when the provinces kill it. The state houses are where all the action is. Good luck stopping that freight train.

  4. Slanted "journalism"


    Fuckin democrats.

  5. You call that an insurrection? When there's an insurrection, they will know it. Because they will be able to look down from the lamp posts that they are hanging from and gaze upon it.
    That is the reason that they are making such a big deal out of this little skirmish. They know that they cannot keep the people under control, if they really want to take the capitol. They don't have enough military, national guardsmen, or police officers, to hold back several million angry civilians, if they really want to take over the rotten government. So they put people in jail for a couple of years for walking through the house of reps, carrying the speakers gavel, or some other rather benign offense. Thinking that it will discourage dissent. Thing is, to people willing to die for their country, if need be, the threat of jail is of little threat. So the fed gov. better get their shit together, and quickly. Because the republicans are not any better than the democrats.
    People are not any happier now than they were on Jan 6 of last year. We are a patient people, but we are also a people willing to fight for our freedom. They do not want to force us into that corner. Because if we are forced into that corner, we will not stop until we get back ALL of our freedom.


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