
Friday, February 04, 2022

Misconceptions? No, you're fucking nuts

A woman who identifies as a wolf says that people often have 'misconceptions' about her her 'spiritual and psychological' life as a animal. 

Naia Ōkami, 27, from Seattle, identifies as a British Columbian wolf and regards herself as an otherkin therian - a subculture who believe their soul is that of an animal, rather than a human.


  1. Yet another application for shoot, shovel and shut up applies here.

  2. Female? Wolf? That's a dude, bruh, with some serious delusions.

  3. Just another mentally ill fruitcake that wants his 15 seconds in the spotlight.

  4. I'd say that this guy needs some serious counseling but I'm pretty sure he's too far gone.

  5. Want to prove she's a wolf? Give her a deer, live, on the hoof. Tell her that's this weeks food, help yourself. I bet she would say she's a vegan wolf.

  6. I think it's so cute that s/he thinks of a specific wolf. And always some noble animal, not some half beagle - half lab that was the result of the neighbor's dog getting loose.

    1. LOL. That reminds me of the 70s when black nationalists would always claim to be descendants of some African king or queen.

  7. I suspect that "useless fucking idiot" might apply here.

  8. From Seattle? Transgender? Enough said.

  9. we really need to bring back the nut house again. this clown belongs in a rubber room and away from kids. there are times when I really miss the days when I was a kid. we used to keep nuts like this locked and away from view. of course, a round in the back of the head would solve this problem just as well and cost a lot less !

  10. "Okami" is "wolf" in Japanese. No way someone with that nose is in any way Japanese. This, er, being, is guilty of cultural appropriation.

    Now "Matthew Joseph Schimmel" fits the nose. But does "Ulf" sound as kewl as "Okami"? You be the judge.

  11. I identify as billionaire Bruce Wayne but at night, I identify as Batman. Now, if could only get my bank to accept my identity and show me the money! Eod1sg Ret

  12. Quick, Robin, to the Batmobile! There’s trouble afoot in Mordor on the Potomac!

  13. It's a Were-ho. Walks like a man during the day, takes it like a coyote bitch at night.

  14. No, this is good. She needs yo be engaged and told she is crazy, not pandered to and told she is brave. If everyone would have told Bruce Jenner to knock it off instead of embracing his lunacy, we wouldn't be here!!!

  15. In WA you can legaly shoot a wolf without a permit if it attacks livestock or a pet. So, there is always hope.

    1. Who cares about a permit, just shoot it and pay the fine!

  16. Doesn't seem to be hurting anyone... but imma keep my kids away just in case...

  17. When you internet search, "beaten with the ugly stick", THIS picture pops up.

  18. Someone took a bit too much peyote and took the writings of Carlos Castenada way too seriously.

  19. Too bad there is not a Bounty on wolves anymore.

  20. I wish I could find a hot woman who identifies as a bicycle.

  21. Jesus H, I have PTSD from pictures in that article.

  22. Another fuckin train wreck of a human. At least with that muzzle like nose, it kinda fits...

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. For the article...
    "She explained: 'One of the things I do with a non-profit is investigate trafficking and child predators and I always make the joke that as a wolf I'm hunting my prey."
    Understand what he/it really is?
    -Just A Chemist

  25. I don't have any 'misconceptions' about her her 'spiritual and psychological' life. She needs to be put down like any rabid dog.

  26. In the real world we call that "suffering from mental illness".

  27. So the whole therian / other-kin thing should result in a whole lot of people identifying as bacteria, yet there are very few to be found. Although most of humanity does behave like a virus.

    Cringe people really need to keep their furdom tendencies to the furdom, else it paints every member as a mentally ill lunatic.

    Also, Awoo is a $250 fine! No Awoo!


    1. I worked in downtown Seattle and every year there was a “furry” convention so you would see these people dressed as animals going to and from the convention center.

  28. I have dated some class A crazy girls in my younger days. They were Ayn Rand paragons of logic, reason and stability compared to the current crop of world class nut jobs. I think a late stage affluent society breeds these problems. In a harsher world, they would have never survived to adulthood.


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