
Tuesday, February 01, 2022

More Presidential Killings

Secretly and quietly, the Biden administration has continued to use the killing machine crafted by President George W. Bush, expanded by President Barack Obama and employed from time to time by President Donald Trump. These presidents have used drones and other unmanned missiles and projectiles to target persons in foreign countries with which the United States is not at war.

They have done this notwithstanding the prohibition of taking life, liberty or property from any person — not just any American, but any person — in the Constitution each has sworn to uphold, and they have done so pursuant to secret rules that they themselves have established for these killings.

Last week, 11 senators and 39 members of the House of Representatives — Democrats all — to their credit sent a harshly worded letter to President Joseph R. Biden asking him to stop the killings. As of this writing, he has not publicly replied.


  1. Utter bullshit. The article talks about 'targeting Japanese civilians' by Truman but never mentions the destruction of Dresden. Plus, the Japanese government was preparing for suicide attacks to defend the Main Islands, they weren't remotely close to surrendering before Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed.

    The Constitution applies to the We The People of the United States of America, not to the world in general

    1. Rick, damn right about no mention of Dresden or the firebombing of Tokyo. The Constitution is the contract of the American people agreeing to the rules under which they may be governed, and it presumes that all people to whom it applies are entitled to be here, by nature, law, or permission.
      Prog theories incorrectly try to extend its' protection to foreigners who do not have the rights and duties of American citizens, and are not entitled to such protection.

      International law applies to national actions to kill persons in or of foreign nations. Unless the person killed is of a class held as enemies to all persons and nations, like pirates, these killings legally amount to acts of war, either overtly or covertly.
      The blurring of the lines of what is war and what is not has increased in the post WWII world as nations have turned to terrorism and non-Westphalian military actions as national policies.
      John in Indy

  2. Napolitano should know better. Another former conservative turned leftist because never Trump.

    The one guy Trump killed deserved to die, as did Bin Laden under Obozo. They died by the same sword they wielded against the USA.

    Now if we're talking bombing seven countries without provocation as Obozo did, then we'd be talking facts. Otherwise keep your stupid opinion to yourself judge.


  3. The original architect of Obama's drone policy was Brandon.

  4. I read the article. There were several significant factual errors in it. I don't know if they were deliberate, or the result of sloppy research. The claim that the Japanese were within days of surrendering is pure speculation. The U.S. did indeed bomb the Tabqa Dam in Syria, but it did not fail. And thousands of civilians did not die as a result. I thought that the guy that supposedly wrote the article was smarter than that.

  5. Sometimes you just gotta take out the trash. It's a slippery slope alright but, as long as it is not American citizens in America, somebody's got to do it.
    We got far worse issues on the Mexican border. As a Texian please believe me; it is presently at a level the writers of "Red Dawn" never dreamed of.

  6. I need to see proof that these killings are happening. Real, easy-to-follow proof. Otherwise, just a conspiracy theory. And you know that many of the a-holes in DC consider the constitution to be nothing but a nuisance. so to keep preaching on it to the choir seems just plain useless.

  7. I think you need to be more concerned about losing your own guns and history repeating:

  8. Japan was desperate to surrender in early '44, it was Frank the Commie Cripple that was delaying so Uncle Joe could snap up Asia, just like eastern Europe was given him.

    And Osama likely died in late 2001 of his kidney disease that he was being treated for in August 2001 in a US military hospital.

    Wake up gentlemen, your Novus Ordo Seclorum is no accident.

    Stefan v.


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