
Friday, February 18, 2022

Nothing like a little advance warning to your intended victim, huh?

VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. – A man waiting to ambush a woman in her home was spotted climbing out of a window by a deputy’s drone as he then ran through the backyard in an attempt to get away from authorities Monday morning, according to the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office. 

The sheriff’s office said the victim told deputies 27-year-old Johnathan Hernandez texted her Sunday night saying he was heading to her house in Deltona to shoot her.


  1. I lived in Deltona for about 8 years. Always seem like a quiet place, until about the last 2 years. Then all the Mexicans started moving in. One family would rent a house, next thing you know, there`s like 30 people and a hundred kids living there.

    1. Don't call them Mexicans. Call them what they are: Illegal Aliens. Imported and transported around the country by your very own President.

  2. What's the deal with this station's positioning statement "Getting Results". Isn't the purpose of a news organization to REPORT THE FUCKING NEWS?


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