
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Oh, this is gonna be good

The lawsuits are coming. 

Last night Tucker Carlson was joined by Kyle Rittenhouse, known for defending both Kenosha and his own life against a violent mob of rioters who were part of a greater movement that resulted in the deaths of at least 25 Americans and caused billions of dollars in property damage nationwide in the summer of 2020. Contrary to reality, and learning nothing from the Covington Catholic debacle, the media managed to spin a tale that Kyle, who only shot white people (one of whom was a child rapist), did so in the name of white supremacy (among countless other lies about the circumstances that night).


  1. Rittenhouse didn't shoot any white people. Saying that he did is a filthy libel against his victims.

    Whites are full of privilege: They have wildly disproportionate control of the newsmedia, entertainment, finance, academia, and the legal system. The poor men that Kyle shot came from a group with zero privilege or power.

    1. You really that fucked up?

    2. Troll or moron?

    3. No, that's Mike_C.
      Known for his pure sarcasm.

    4. I might have been confused about which group has disproportionate control of damn near everything. Maybe it's not generic white people. I get confused sometimes.

      But for damned sure chomo "Jojo" Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and Gaige Grosskreutz are not white, according to the persons who claim to speak for "their people". If your group identity is predicated on victimhood, then you can't also be part of a group that you claim has all the privilege.

    5. I didn't have to know your name to recognize pure, well done, sarcasm. Some people work with poetry, some with mathematics. You are best when working with sarcasm. well done.

  2. Rittenhouse will be a multi-millionaire. Hope he drains the foul media dry. Joy Reid and Whoopi Goldberg in particular.

  3. Was a time when the Andrew Jackson method of settling lies was accepted. Jackson carried to his grave a bullet or two from those events. A few million or hundreds of millions seems more satisfactory. Sic 'em, Kyle.

  4. Kyle is serious about using his "damages" money to pursue the rest of the slanderers. Good for him and I hope he inspires others similarly trash-talked into pursuing their own legal paybacks!

  5. The lawsuits will continue until our moral improves


  6. My morale is improving at just the thought.
    tallow pot

  7. It continues to appall me how much of a screw-loose canon Whoopi Goldberg has become in her old age. I remember her in her youth and she always seemed so grounded. I remember feeling sorry for her when Ted Danson left her. Not anymore. Seems he knew what he was doing.

    1. I remember thinking Danson was out of his mind when he hooked up with her.


    2. I don't ever remember a time when I saw her as anything less than the cancer she is.

  8. Can leftist celebrities use the Harry Reid Defense where they just make shit up, spew it for months, provide zero evidence for their claims then laugh about it when someone demands proof?

  9. I think it's spelled "schadenfreude". Hopefully that's correct; either way, this is way overdue and a joy to witness.


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