
Sunday, February 06, 2022

Sunday Video 3



  1. Good morning. I hope I know someone who will treat me that well in my later years. Thx.

  2. Awesome thing that guy did

  3. It's a beautiful thing.
    Old dogs are the best.

  4. That's awesome. Good man, and a lucky old timer! Glad they found each other.

  5. Truly touching. We all need to hear about the good in the world.

  6. Faith in fellow man..... Restored!

  7. Charlie must be on your mind with this one.


  8. Nice, couldn't read the fricken fine print.

    1. It basically says he adopted a 16 year old dog so it wouldn't die alone.

    2. I could not read the fine print either...but now that I know the message, ***sniff - sniff***, I love the video!!!

  9. Those two have a spot in Heaven just waiting for them.

  10. Nice to contemplate, occasionally, the possibility that people are not *all* assholes.

    Thank you for illuminating one who is not.

  11. My wife and I fostered a 20+ year old (if the historical vet records were to be believed) hound...when she arrived, I figured she might live a month or two, she was so feeble she couldn't hardly stand. The other dogs (a husky and a malamute) accepted her right away...

    She lived two more years. She got to be the alpha of the pack, wouldn't take any crap from the other dogs, and at least enjoyed the last two years of her life.

  12. Well, no one is going to top that one this month.

  13. thanks for making me cry.

  14. I'm thinking that the dog had vision problems, probably cataracts. Notice that it had problems even walking straight toward its food bowl, then it's wearing the "lamp shade" probably post surgery. Dog's best friend was a young man, kudos to him.

  15. The man in the video is Zach Skow. I love and respect him so much. I wish I could be more like him, but I try to help animals when I can. -Joely

  16. I could not read the small print but just watching the video, I knew that the old dog was not happy...until he was adopted by that good man. Watching the old fellow reminded me of several old dogs that I have adopted and loved with all of my heart and soul...and they loved me even more!!! ***sniff - sniff***

  17. Somebody must be slicing onions around here.

  18. Reminds me of one of the old rescue English Mastiffs we took in - he was on his way out when we got him and then after lots of TLC and spoiling, he went on for another 16 months and figured it was the best time of his life as he loved every minute of being with us - good old boy that I miss. :(

  19. I'm heart broken and happy at the same time. Mostly happy though. Ohio Guy

  20. All news stories should be confined to these types of stories. Especially to replace the constant parading of the turd buffet of democrats in the news.

  21. Dusty around here.
    Dogs are great.


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