
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Your move, asshole

President Joe Biden kicked off the week by using the fourth anniversary of the deadly school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., to double down on his calls for harsher gun control. 

In a statement on Monday remembering the 14 students and three educators killed in the shooting, Biden said he urges Congress to pass bills “requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers.”


  1. The second amendment is my gun permit.

  2. Proof yet again that dim-ocrats are really communists disguised as politicians...
    it's getting time to play cowboys and democrats with them.

  3. “… But anyway, their futures were cut short by a man with a stolen Glock and that 40-round magazine.“

    I still can’t purchase a 40-round magazine for my Glock. Dammit!

  4. How about eliminating immunity for corrupt politicians?

  5. Fake official makes comments about fake event.

  6. What I remember about that day was the person whose one job was to get between the gunman and the students ran and hid.

  7. Let them come. MOLON LABE.

  8. “requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers.” It is well paired with "shall not infringe" in duckspeak.

  9. When the Demonrats are losing on all fronts of their agenda, what's their move? Why more gun control of course. They don't want to ruin their losing record.


  10. Listen up, yogurtbrain joe:
    1. Close our southern border.
    2. Stop trying to start a nuclear war with Russia, who will promptly whip our pussified .mil's ass.
    3. Get all of our material/people out of affy. And get the propganda machine running to make it look like a bunch of goat rape-ers didn't completely kick our ass.
    4. Bring gas back below $2.50
    5. Start fighting antifa/blm as the "domestic terrorists" they are.
    6. Stop with the tax increases.
    Then MAYBE, I'll listen to the shit that rolls out of that sewer you call a mouth. Until such a time at which you complete the six above enumerated points, shut the fuck up and go find some jello, you impotent, senile punk. Hey, DHS, you know full well who I am, you want to send ANOTER broken, sad little fool to try to entrap me, like you did, what, 8 years ago?
    -Just A Chemist

  11. No way any of that shit gets through Congress. They're already facing a Red Wave later this year and are scared to death of doing anything that will make it worse. SlowJoe's only hope is executive and regulatory actions. ATF could cause some serious mischief and that's bad enough for those of us who might have AR pistols with braces and other icky things.

    1. Never underestimate the havoc The Gang of Four (Collins, Murkowski, Romney, Graham) can wreak when they vote with the Dems.

  12. I think it's a bit too late for their gun control rhetoric. We're armed to the teeth with plenty of ammo and great fire control systems. Just bring it already. Talk is cheap. Lets see ya hire some brown shirts to come get em. Still waiting...
    Ohio Guy

  13. Motherfucker would have been better off calling for an automatic death penalty for anyone who uses a firearm to commit any violent felony, with no exceptions for the perp's race, sex, mental state, age, immigration status, religion. And, for those on the left, self defense is not a violent felony, nor is defense of others, one's home, or one's property.


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