
Thursday, February 17, 2022

Your Thursday Morning Florida Report

JUPITER, Fla. - A Florida couple has been charged with aggravated child abuse after they allegedly forced their 13-year-old adopted son to live in an 8’x8’ box located in their garage, officials said.

Jupiter police arrested Tracy and Timothy Ferriter after investigators said the child was forced to live in the structure for five years, since he was first adopted. 


  1. Makes one wonder how wannabe foster parents are vetted.

  2. They see nothing wrong with it, it's in their faces. Maybe it's time the wheel, rack, and other educational and remedial devices are brought back.

  3. remember boys & girls, theres at least two sides to every story & you just read what the "media" wanted you to see. used to be for the judge to have a fair trial but we all know how that goes these days too.


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