
Tuesday, March 15, 2022


LOS ANGELES - One suspect is in custody after leading the Los Angeles Police Department on a chase through South Los Angeles Friday morning.


In an effort to evade police, the suspect laid down and hid behind a car parked in the alley. Officers were seen driving through the alley and hopping out of their cruisers to follow the suspect. Initially, they ran right by them, further into the alley.

"Come on guys, he's right there," Mundel was heard yelling from SkyFOX as the officers ran by. He added that the pilot was trying to communicate with officers that the suspect was just feet away.


Watching that video brought back memories of the Keystone Cops.


  1. and that is our best and brightest ?

  2. they ran right by them?

    All woketards must die.

  3. Guaranteed they are being paid 6 figures + to do their Benny Hill bit. You could almost hear the music.

    1. In the late 1990s a mid-size CA city (less than 50K inhabitants) starting pay for a police officer fresh out of POST, zero experience was $56K with 2.3% employer matching.

      I know because my now ex- was in HR.

      Imagine a large city like Smell A would start at xx times that. What with collective bargaining, they usually enjoy fat raises not tied to pay structures of other city employees.

      I always LMAO when city governments say, But we have to pay high to get the best and brightest.
      Exhibit A is the video linked here.

      FYI: cities determine their pay rates by comparing to other like-size cities. They all do it. You can see how each city will quickly increase employee pay rates to stay 'competitive'. Then they'll add in a location bonus to offset cost of living for that area.

      None of this is to imply competency.


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