
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Global Governments Begin Warning of Critical Food Shortages

First things first, there is no need for panic, and it is important to remember the United States is a net food exporter. The U.S. is blessed with a food production and capacity industry that leads the world. We have fertile land, abundant harvests and the strong advantage of food independence.

That said, the influence of multinational corporations in our agriculture industry over the past three decades has ramifications, and we have outlined exhaustively, on these pages, what the real-world consequences are. As we head into a chapter of global food crisis, the food production capacity of the United States can be viewed as an asset, but only insofar as we are willing to secure a national food supply for our own America-First interests.


If you don't get anything else from the link, at least read and heed this:

Final thought… even if you are well prepared for the worst-case scenario, when they hand the ration cards or food/gas coupons, get in line with everyone else and use them – even if you don’t need them. Do not draw any attention to yourself.  Do not behave any differently than anyone else.  Even if it doesn’t suck for you, give the appearance that it does.   Keep the eyes of a mouse and the ears of an elephant.


  1. re ration cards: Even if it doesn't suck for you *yet*... If your preps are for a bad time, using the resources you can still get pushes that crunch time down the road. Best case it gets you some trade fodder to pick up something else you can use instead.

  2. Prepare or die.....

  3. Guy that lived through the riots in Egypt says "Don't look like a fortress, look like a hollowed out dump".

  4. Never forget. They hate us and want us dead. Starvation is a perfectly acceptable method. Just ask the Ukrainians. Stalin starved millions of them. Making fuel unaffordable serves multiple parts of their evil agenda. No food is just one piece of their wicked puzzle.

    1. Dan,
      You are absolutely correct. I am waiting to the internal fighting and murder groups with "rogue security agents" who learn what happens to "the useful idiots". There can be only "one top dog". All other dogs in competition will be "culled". Likely they will be forced to take "a forced admittance of guilt" in any number of "grift operations" that have been SOP for the "grifters". The "top dog" will execute his or her plan as soon as things get "dicey". This will happen in a certain sequence. Wait for the "finger pointing". Entire families are likely to be executed. Vlad the Impaler is likely to look like a church squier.

  5. Just because the US is a current net exporter of food, it may not always be that way. Russia and Ukraine are big exporters of fertilizer. Prices for that are increasing along with shipment costs. Even if you can get food expect to pay much more.

    1. Meh. Ireland was a net food exporter during the Potato Famine as well. Rich bastards owned the farms, and there wasn't enough to feed the slaves, AND service customers (simplified, I know).

  6. "it is important to remember the United States is a net food exporter". Yah, until this year. With the price and availability of fertilizer, some smaller farmers are reporting that they're not planting this year. Then there's the cost of farm diesel going through the roof along with gasoline the food picture looks grimmer by the day. Can't wait for next fall when food prices are quadruple what they are now and the Dindu's riot because EBT won't cover the cost of a days worth.


  7. And...Always stay locked and loaded.
    Home defense will be needed when others without your forethought get desperate.
    Forget the fancy shit.
    Get a 12 ga with an 18" barrel,(easily maneuverable in a home situation, preferable a pump.
    If you have either one with a long barrel, saw it off @18 1/4".
    In better times, you can acquire another barrel.

  8. Covid didn't do the intended job, so this is plan B.

  9. The US may be a net food exporter, but when Saint Joe decides to ship food to his bosses in Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela, who are we to judge that our needs come first?

  10. Just went to the store - lots of empty spaces for items. I got the bride to think in batches now - just made big batch of venison stew/spaghetti sauce etc for deep freezer.

    Fortunately meat is still very reasonable here (chix 1.29 lb BI thighs, london broil 7.99lb, unsalted butter 3.49 4 stick box, 1# sugar 1.99 sales) but I expect with the fertilizer prices, NOTHING is safe from seeing 50%+ price increases. In grains, flour - could see 300%.

    Will get MUCH WORSE before better is what I'm seeing - gas, fert, hell everything is going up so get what you can when you can and tap storage only as last resort.

    I expect in the fall (ukraine resolution) we'll know a boat load more about where this shitshow is headed - I know, saying the obvious... Until then I search for sales and cheap ways to stock up.

    What we're probably going to see is STAGFLATION ala jimmy carter era. Rising interest rates, increased inflation (above 4%) and limited jobs/wage growth (GDP).

    That could go on for years.... until we get a real president - not a liberal idiot.


    1. What makes you think voting is going to solve all of this?

    2. Where did I mention VOTING?!?! LOLOLOLOL

      Very wrong assumption. We all know, it's not how the people vote, it's WHO COUNTS the votes that matters.

      Have a blessed day.


  11. Well, if there were no ethanol fuel plants, that corn might be available as food.
    Repeal the fuel ethanol mandates. They have been harming people for years.
    John in Indy

    1. The corn they use for ethanol isn't sweet corn. It is genetically modified, designed to survive treatment with glyphosate. Indirectly, you do eat it. The ethanol corn is processed so edible parts will be stripped out and included in animal feed. That part slightly more valuable than making it into ethanol. When you buy grain by the railroad car, your accountant and your chemist can come up with ideas like that. So, that corn eventually becomes your steak, pork chops, hamburger, and bacon.


    2. John, the corn grown for ethanol is not food grade corn. I am in South Dakota and know you can't eat that shit...

  12. Key issue from this really makes you think. Multinational Cooperations in the USA are not obligated to, nor do they necessarily have the interest of US citizens at the forefront. Global food crisis are about to manifest. If money is to be made selling to the highest bidder and creating more crisis here at will be so.

    We scream about china and are steadily, even now, selling them staples such as soy, grain, etc. You can look up the exact numbers but they have purchased about half the world's grain supply, 75 % of copper, etc. All while stopping exports of fertilizer.

    It's a big club, and we ain't in it. ~~dirtroadlivin

  13. Maybe stop wasting precious farmland on ethanol?
    It’s fools gold.

  14. Absolutely DO NOT utilize any government handout rations unless you need them. Stay away from areas where people congregate to collect these handouts. Stay in your bunker and don't draw ANY attention to yourself. Going to a common meeting area to collect government issues necessities is another way for them to eyeball you and follow you back. The advice to participate in this nonsense is distressing and for me, completely anti to the way I'll be if the SHTF.

  15. Like I said. Stock up!!
    3 months or more of everything.
    I'm seeing reports of $8.60 regular gas, $2k cash withdrawal limits, panicking by the masses.
    I'll tell you now this proxy war with Russia WILL escalate and lead to WW3.
    Sorry, but things are going to get a lot worse pretty fast now. Those who are self sufficient and out in the country will be best off.
    I PAY for top level info and it's extremely accurate and not Alex Jones garbage so you'd do well to listen.
    Best of luck.


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