
Monday, March 14, 2022

Oh, they're just now figuring that out? Seriously?

WASHINGTON ( – Cloth masks are “lousy” when it comes to protecting people from COVID-19 and other airborne viruses, warns new research. Woven fabric doesn’t adequately filter out particles as well masks like N95s, scientists say.


  1. What do you mean you can't keep mosquitoes out with chicken wire? Shocked I say.

  2. new research, my ass. We learned that 2 years ago.

  3. Or you could just keep your head up your ass. At least then the rest of us don't have to look at them
    Backwoods Okie

  4. N95s are 95% effective at stopping things between 0.1 and 0.3 microns.

    The Rona is about 0.06 microns, maybe slightly larger.

    So, yes, it's like using a chain link fence to stop mosquitoes.

  5. N95 are useless too. If you can smell shit through the N95, then you can get the WuFlu through it. Of course, you get these respiratory viruses through your eyes as well.

    ALL masks are merely theater.

  6. There is only one good thing that wearing those face muzzles are good for: identify sheeple.

  7. Here in the UK there are still loads of idiots wearing them.

  8. "new studies" lmao - hell, all the OLD studies said the same including surgical masks studied in hospitals (RCTs) - showed a 1.3% difference in outcomes. This is from a surgical setting, operating rooms - with and without masks.

    The idea some shitty cloth mask would do anything when used by people who have no ideal what cross contamination is - just shows the world how gullible so many can be.


    1. I considered wearing one as a form of malicious compliance.

  9. Remember in the very beginning of this snafu when Gavie Newsom made a billion dollar contract with a Chinese outfit to provide the Golden Shithole with 300 million N95 masks?

    Yeah. Neither does anybody else. Including Sacramento television news reporters.

  10. There's been a meme out there for some time saying 'if a fart can get throuvh two ass cheeks, underwear, and trousers, what makes you think that mask will stop a virus?'

    Pretty sad that I get more accurate information from memes than the media, government, pharma, cdc, nih, fda...

  11. N95 masks have to be fitted to work. I doubt they are anything but marginally more effective than cloth masks.

  12. Neither one of them are worth a shit. For full protection, use dry cleaner bags and duct tape.

  13. There were studies published in 2005 that looked at the results of masking during SARS in 2003 that showed masks had "no statistically significant effect". In particular there was a Japanese study on nurses using N95 masks that showed no meaningful difference between the masked and unmasked.

  14. Add to that, the way of Chinese manufacturing says that if it LOOKS like a KN95, it's just as good as the real thing. It was also probably made in a filthy room, on filthy surfaces.

  15. The best protection is STILL wash your hands well & frequently & keep your fingers out of mucous membranes in your eyes & nose.


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