
Friday, March 04, 2022

Pfizer shot offers nearly no protection against infection in 5- to 11-year-olds

NEW YORK - A new study shows that Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine is less effective in 5- to 11-year-old children compared to its efficacy in older kids and adults. This new data could be concerning to a lot of parents, especially as we're seeing mask mandates lifted across the country and in the New York area.


It doesn't seem to do much good for people about 11 years old, either.
Just sayin'.


  1. Pfizer, Biden, Fauci, Wallensky should all be tried for Nuremburg violations.
    Arrest, charge, hold with bail set in the billions, let the lawyers debate it in court.

  2. in a just and fair world, those fuckers would be stripped of everything they have and put against a wall and shot on live tv. this nothing but greed and watching others suffer.
    and for all the assholes who mandated that others take it while not themselves, well. shooting them is letting them off too easy. burnt at the stake of hung until dead, no drop to snap the neck, just hang them and watch them thrash about.
    them put their heads on pike as a lesson for all other with the same ideas
    but, today, they will walk away with millions free as a bird.

  3. See there's the lie. The headline makes no mention of the dangers. Remember, these shots are not dangerous, they all are extremely dangerous. This charade will eventually be seen as the biggest story in man's recorded history.

  4. CDC isn't releasing data on 12-19 year olds, so those numbers must be tanked as well.

  5. This most valuable commodity on the planet will soon be unvaccinated sperm and eggs. The burned in damage genetically, if we are lucky, will at least be recessive. People will lie to their spouses and children about if they were vaccinated.
    Steve in KY

  6. Kids have a 99.9997% survival rate with Covid. What's the point of jabbing them? Will the jab raise the survival rate to 99.9998%?

    We have to jab them so they won't spread the disease to adults? Well, if you're fully jabbed and boosted why do you need to worry about getting infected?

    Oh, the jab DOESN'T PROTECT YOU from getting infected and/or spreading the virus? It does however PREVENT YOU FROM DIEING. Maybe.

    Why are 80% of the people currently dieing from Covid fully jabbed and boosted? We don't know.

    It couldn't be any plainer and why I will never get the jab.

    That's not even getting into any of the adverse side effects. One of my sisters, almost a year on after her second jab, is STILL suffering from Shingles and kidney problems. She'll probably have to live with these conditions for the rest of her life and her life will probably sadly be significantly foreshortened.


    1. I saw a meme somewhere (possibly here) that goes along the lines of:

      We went from
      "It will protect you 100%" to
      "It will protect you almost 100%" to
      "It won't protect you but it will prevent transmission" to
      "It won't prevent transmission but you'll get a mild case" to
      "You won't get a mild case but you'll stay out of the hospital" to
      "It won't keep you out of the hospital but you won't die" to
      "You'll die but you'll go to heaven"

  7. None of the mRNA vaccines were intended to protect from the virus. They were being forced onto the populace for other, more malevolent reasons.


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