
Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sunday Video 7



  1. I thought it was game over when it hit the water.

  2. Officially impressed on a number of fronts here.

  3. Silly Russians.
    Ohio Guy

  4. the car drives off into the woods

  5. where is mattsoffroad recovery when you need him?

  6. Lucky it didn't suck water into the cylinders

  7. I first thought, at least it's not high centered any more....

  8. Took of shoes and socks? What a bunch a candy asses. I'd a just run in. Course I was raised on a lake. I admit if I didn't have a pair a trunks I would kick off my shoes to waterski. No unusual to see a kid from my hometown ski with jeans on. Shirt too if it were chilly. One says what good does a shirt do if it's wet? It don't get much wet if ya don't fall. We didn't fall much.

    1. Yer such an ol' badass!

      Ohio Guy

  9. that was seriously lucky.

  10. Back when the air intake was on the very top of the engine. Nowadays they route plastic intake ducting over to the front fender down low to pull in cooler air, I guess. But yeah, if you got water up to the top of your tires, you are sucking water into the engine and goodbye engine, crankshaft and piston rods. My son found that out the hard way.

  11. Isn't the point the stupid fucks were trying to get out of the sand but put the log on the wrong side of the tire? Can't see why they'd want to get closer to the water.

    1. well the fact that she was driving in reverse also contributed to ending up in the river, not just the placement of the log

  12. It would have walked right out of there if they took the traction control off. Living in the great white north I have helped motorists from being stuck by pushing the little button on the dash.

  13. Sometimes GOD takes pity on idiots.

  14. For Pete sake people, it’s sand. Dig out the spot where it’s high centered and drive off like normal. The only reason that engine is still running is that the intake is on the right side. Another inch or two and it would have been TKO for that boxer.

  15. There is a whole lot of dumbfuckery going on there, but good on him for not giving up!


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