
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Tennessee state senate passes bill prohibiting state from restricting churches during state of emergency

NASHVILLE, Tenn.--Legislation which would prohibit the state from putting restrictions on churches during times of crisis passed in the state senate on Thursday.


Again, a couple years too late.


  1. I don't do church, so no skin in that game.

    But, it was a clear Constitutional violation to restrict churches for any reason. Without question. Anyone who thinks cops won't be on the side of the bad people in any Constitutional issue need look no further than their own experience here. Or gun seizures in Katrina, ...

    The only way forward is a well-armed populace, with militias replacing cops 24/7. I'm not the least concerned about my armed neighbors when SHTF. Roving bands of feral cops? Everyone should be concerned about that.

  2. You would think the U.S. Constitution would've sufficed, but I guess not.

    De Oppresso Liber

  3. Yes, the constitution should have sufficed. Yes, one expects better of the local government and our neighbors. But as we have seen, the temptation is to great. Why, then, grumble about an honest effort to prevent at least this egregious misbehavior? Two years ago, we didn't realize how tempting these power grabs would be for many people. Much as we'd like to, hanging them isn't really an option. Legislation is the best, least destructive alternative.

  4. If you think what we've been dealing with for the past 2 years isn't coming back then your not paying attention and nieve.

  5. The Constitution is only for a moral people.

    Laws such as this one are patches to the leaky boat USS Anti-Consitution. Soon there will be another batch of ten thousand laws all intended as bandaids to plug the leaking. A moral people do not need the state to say what one must or mustn't do.

    1. Don't disagree one bit; however this new legislation is just the result of some sleezy politicians trying to appear like they give a shit. There is no end to the planned "states of emergencies." Plan accordingly....


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