
Tuesday, March 08, 2022

You notice they didn't say what the price was 2 years ago when Trump was president?

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California drivers are facing the financial impact of the war in Ukraine. 

The average price of a gallon of unleaded gas has topped $5 in the Golden State, according to AAA. California becomes the first state where this has happened.

The price was $5.07 as of Friday, up 13 cents from a day earlier. A month ago, the price was $4.66, and a year ago, it was $3.71.


While I'll agree that the war in Ukraine has something to do with rising gas prices, it wouldn't be an issue if that cocksucker Biden hadn't shut down our oil production.

Our gas prices rose 9 cents overnight last week, then 25 cents the very next day.


  1. it is 4.29 here in pa. you just have to love these assholes now, don't ya ?
    at first, i used to think they just stupid fucks, now. I not so sure, they seem to be following some plan to kill the country anymore. I just can't stand to watch this shit anymore.
    but I have a feeling people are going to get real tired of this shit fast.

    1. "... they seem to be following some plan to kill the country" -

      Biden's Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm says that this is the price that must be paid to transition to Green Energy.

    2. Obama campaigned on wanting $5 gas back in 2008. This is the leftists' wet dream, get what they want and blame those evil Soviets.

    3. It's going to take three times the oil we use today to become "green"....stupid fuckers

    4. I'm not a religious person, but I have come to believe that Satan does exist.

  2. not to nitpick, brother; but VP Kamala is the cocksucker; Biden is just an ignorant asshole. Who now has dementia, to boot. Kamala, on the other hand, likely has a few "suckmiles" left in her...
    Original Grandpa

  3. It's not stopping anytime soon either. Heating oil is insane. Exactly 2 years ago, we paid $1.77/gal. for fuel oil. We're getting filled tomorrow at $4.95! Regular gas is $4.45. We're in S.E. Pa.

    They'd better get those windmills going!

  4. 5.39 in Santa Rosa ca Sunday night at the Safeway gas station.

    1. For the first time I've ever seen, we have no under $5 a gal gas anywhere locally. And this area generally has cheaper gas than closer in to L.A.

  5. FJB FJB FJB FJB...take this to infinity

  6. You do realize a lockdown and the subsequent 30 million lost jobs, no planes, trains or automobiles operating, all that created a massive glut of crude.

    Supply and demand? These are simple concepts....

    1. Not to cast aspersions on your character sir, but are you stoned or just brain dead.

      I don't think you understand supply and demand.

  7. All part of the plan. The criminals in power don't want us peons to be able to go anywhere except work. They want to force people to give up the freedom gas vehicles allow and tie us to expensive electric cars with limited range..... And the most important part of that statement is limited. Can't pose much of a threat to the criminals in power if you have to stop and spend 12 hours recharging your vehicle after only going 200 miles...if that.

    1. Combine that with their desire to put a kill switch into every vehicle. Imagine what would happen with the freedom convoy when the fascists in power have such technology at their finger tips.

  8. Where are you at that there were no planes, trains or automobiles operating? It damned sure isn't Tennessee or Kentucky.
    I'm seeing less traffic now because of the price of gas than I ever did during covid.

  9. You guys should watch the videos at the link. We're being boldface lied to about the skirmish in Ukraine. Kenny, you might consider giving this it's own perch:

    1. That background footage was from a climate change protest "die in" in, I think Vienna, 2014 or thereabouts.

      But there is no doubt we are being lied to about Ukraine on many levels.

  10. Biden, true to the leftist ideals is using this war to push for the Green Deal BS, never let a crisis go to waste. I try to do the adult thing and listen to the cocksuckers, but it is getting harder every day to listen to their outright lies and propaganda.

  11. $4.299/gallon last night in Gresham, Oregon.

  12. Of course they won't tell us what the price was just a year ago.

    At best they'll tell us "Thanks to our magnificent *resident, today the price is 25 cheaper than tomorrow". And the idiots will fall for it. Hail Joe!

  13. $3.049 per litre in Nelson NZ. I just put 28 l in and even with a combined discount of $0.27/l, it came to over $80.

    Michael in Nelson

  14. Ukraine is just a convenient excuse and least for those that are easily distracted. Oh, look: a shiny thing!

  15. I paid $3.65 last Thursday for Mobil Regular. Today, according to Gas Buddy, cheapest is $3.95 for a no name brand. Next step up is $4.19 at 2 Shells and a Mobil out in the middle of nowhere. Middle of the range is $4.29 with the highest topping out at $4.40.

    Here's a little history from our beloved

    I'm in central New England.


  16. Stranglingg us by restricting our energy. Explain how this is any different than what an enemy would do?

    1. An honest enemy would show less hypocritical, sanctimonious condescension?

      The enemy wouldn't tell us it's "for our own good" and wouldn't refer to himself as "your fellow American" when it suits his propaganda purposes, all the while hating America and Americans.

      It's scorpions and frogs all the way down. Fucking scorpions.

  17. The Canadian Carbon Tax will go up by CAD $0.15 per liter on April 1.

    How's that for an April Fools joke?


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