
Thursday, April 28, 2022

Because words matter

A bill in Washington will soon take effect striking the word "marijuana" from all state laws after progressive lawmakers deemed the term "racist." The change removes the word, swapping it out for the term "cannabis" instead.


Of all the problems we're having right now, these assholes are wasting their time on this?


  1. I thought they called it "chronic."

  2. I'm pretty sure that the feds don't have the standing to make that happen.

  3. "Of all the problems we're having right now, these assholes are wasting their time on this?"

    Amen, Brother.

  4. Insanity is expressed in many different ways.

  5. I suppose ganja is racist too. Don't matter, feds still call it narcotic

  6. "Progressive lawmakers" should be changed to "chronic retards".

    Senator Patty Murray, take a bow. How do you keep taking elections?

  7. I'm kind of surprised Gov. Jay Inslee didn't also claim that using the term 'marijuana' contributes to climate change.

  8. This is the same state legislature that last year reduced the penalties for auto theft, with the (predictable) result that monthly thefts have more than doubled.

  9. Ah, yes....every day, more & more reasons I never regret seeing the last of that state in my rear view mirror.

  10. The democrat party is the home of systemic racism. They will create racism everywhere.

  11. Isn't cannabis a Latin word? My HS Latin teacher would call this cultural appropriation. I DEMAND (as libs do) it be called devil's lettuce (let the pentagram satanists snarl).

  12. Just the latest example of our elected officials at work.

  13. Mary Jane
    Mary Jane
    Mary Jane!
    Fuck ya, Worshington!

  14. (Old Tech) "Of all the problems we're having right now, these assholes are wasting their time on this?"
    I hate to burst the bubble, but the Dems have already removed gender from a plastic toy potato. On to the next crisis all you non-gender specific social assistance gluttons!

  15. I would much rather any government (local, state or Fed) waste their time on this kind of lunacy than spend their time actively trying to take my money or freedom through more taxes or the latest in gender studies double think.

    1. Joe Biden's Misinformation Czar will get around to taking your money later. Right now she's busy writing the regulations that prohibit you from posting the term 'Freedom' and for posting a comment anonymously.

      Welcome to the Brave New World, run by Democrats who obtained power fraudulently.

  16. How does replacing an ethnic word for weed with an elite white word for weed less racist?


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