
Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Better late than never

NEW YORK - Several books and an anonymous handwritten note were dropped off at the New York Public Library in Midtown recently. 

"'I am 75 years old now and these books have helped me through motherhood and my teaching career,'" New York Public Library President Tony Marx said, reading the letter. "'Enclosed are books I have borrowed and kept in my house for 28 to 50 years.'"


  1. One important question though is "how many of these books have now been censored?".

  2. Books helped her through motherhood. So that means in NYC she's a Birthing Person.

  3. When my parents were moving and I went and got the rest of my shit I had forgotten about I came across a school library book I had borrowed 20 years before. Yea I threw that fucker away.

  4. Kept books between 28 and 50 years, doesn't sound like fines were keeping her out of the library, if for 22 years she continued to steal public property.

  5. I stole a book on card tricks of all things from my high school library, 30-ish years ago. They're not getting it back.


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