
Friday, April 29, 2022

Biden Administration Creating ‘Disinformation Governance Board’

The Biden administration is creating a new bureaucracy under the Department of Homeland Security that sounds like nothing more than an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.’ 

The so-called ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ is coming to fruition just as Elon Musk has taken control of Twitter and will be headed by Nina Jankowicz, an anti-Trump progressive who frequently appears on MSNBC.

Biden’s New ‘Ministry of Truth’ Director Turns out to Be a Raving Lunatic

Who could have possibly guessed that the person who has been chosen to run Joe Biden’s new “Ministry of Truth” would turn out to be a raving, dictatorial lunatic?

That’s the story this morning after others have begun to dig through Nina Jankowicz’s past social media posts. As RedState reported previously, Jankowicz is set to be the new director of the administration’s new “Disinformation Governance Board,” an Orwellian entity if I’ve ever seen one.

So who is she? Apparently, Jankowicz is a far-left, pro-censorship Karen who believes the government should have absolute power. No, I’m not exaggerating. Read her posts for yourself.


  1. Here's some Truth, The Republic went on life support on Nov. 4, 2020 and then the plug was pulled on 1-6-2021, she just lingered until 1-20-2021 since then, it's a Post Republic Just-Us System to transfer funds.

    local, local, local, it ain't over yet, we either are on the Eve of Destruction or the Fullness of the Gentiles nears...

    1. The Republic died with the election of Lincoln. It has taken this long for the corpse to start stinking.


  3. In the last days of the Roman empire, a horse served as a Senator in the once great govt. Seems like we're there.

    1. Almost. Most Senators are only the back half of a horse.

    2. Nonnymous, we're almost there; most of our Senators are the back half of a horse.

  4. If a Republican lead .gov had come up with this scheme, Demonrats would have already filed a million First Amendment lawsuits and requested a temporary injunction blocking implementation until the lawsuit was adjudicated. What have the Republicans done? Aside from strong questioning of Mayorkis during a House hearing this week, NOTHING, as usual.


    1. Well, who had the Homeland Security waiting in the wings? There's an Orwellian phrase with NAZI overtones if I've ever heard one.

  5. ...and doesn't it figure that they appoint a lunatic feminist to head it up based a book she wrote on the subject. See Pip's link above.


  6. All you need to know about this ditz is that she was a Senior Fellow at the Wilson Center.
    That would be Wilson, as in Woodrow Wilson.

    If you don't know about Woodrow Wilson, you need to get yourself up to speed.
    Crib Notes version: He was the White version of Barack Obama in the early 20th century.

    This is who Brandon wants telling us what 'misinformation' is. Woodrow Wilson in a skirt with a bad attitude.


  7. ...and just to add insult to injury, let's not forget that DHS is the second most heavily armed and supplied(think ammo, body armor and armored vehicles thanks to Obozo) .gov agency after the Dept. of Defense.


    1. A well known quote by Benjamin Franklin on the subject of security and Freedom comes to mind.

  8. If they attempt to destroy the First Amendment, then the Second Amendment must be brought to bear.

    1. They already have destroyed the First and the leftist media embraced it.

    2. They're definitely doing their best to control all speech, but they ain't there yet.

  9. So I guess they're only worried about who runs it

  10. Nina is grade A libtard freak. Where on God's green earth do they find these weirdos. The Biden admin is saturated with these creeps.

    1. Personally, I think the Soros Group of affiliated Hate America organizations, working in conjunction with the Democrat Party, have been grooming people like this for at least 30 years and moving them around the country wherever they're needed. I think they've been funding their educations too, allowing them to have degrees that make them sound like they're 'really smart', which allows them to appear like they know what they're doing when in reality they're just Leftist radical losers.

  11. The comparison by Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) of the newly formed Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) to the Ministry of Truth (refer to the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four) is not inaccurate as they (Dep't. of Home Land Security (DHS)) claim the board is needed for, "combatting disinformation by human smugglers that encourages surges of migrants to the Mexico–United States border, as well as election interference by nations including Russia."
    According to the DHS, “The spread of disinformation can affect border security, Americans’ safety during disasters, and public trust in our democratic institutions...”
    DHS stated it "will immediately begin focusing on misinformation aimed at migrants, a problem that has helped to fuel sudden surges at the U.S. southern border in recent years. Human smugglers often spread misinformation around border policies to drum up business."
    The disinformation is off to a roaring start.

  12. Joseph Goebbels headed a Ministry Of Truth.
    Josef Stalin had a Ministry Of Truth.
    Now Joseph Biden has a Ministry Of Truth.


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