
Friday, April 08, 2022

FOUR times from Seattle to Phoenix? Daaamn.....

NEW YORK - A man on a Southwest Airlines flight faces federal charges after allegedly masturbating at least four times during the flight. 


Just how old was this guy? I mean, that flight couldn't have been more than 3 hours, and he got 4 nuts in that time period?
I'll admit it, I am impressed.


  1. And just how did anyone know? Or for that matter care. Is pretty good performance. Must be using some of that nutregenics.

  2. And just how did anyone know? Or for that matter care. Is pretty good performance. Must be using some of that nutregenics.

  3. Not to brag, but in my early teens, I finished 1st and 3rd in a jack off contest!!!

    1. Premature ejaculation must be horrible to endure. /s

    2. I don't even know what that means... But, I know I don't want to know!

      I've never jerked off unless a woman was watching or I was by myself.

  4. He asked the lady sitting next to him if it would offend her if he mistreated. She said I guess not and held her hands up. So he did. But she filmed him doing it. After the fourth time, he fell asleep and she then went to the flight attendant and told her. First, he asked permission and she didn't object. Then she told the stu. Both are fucked up people.

  5. Can you imagine if he'd been sitting next to that woman yesterday that complained about the kid with the Trump shirt?


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