
Monday, April 25, 2022

How to ID / Identify a Meteorite

 In 3 simple steps, you can identify if a stone is a meteorite or meteorwrong. All done in the field while hunting, only requires a magnet, a file, and the knowledge in this video.

Far too many people think they have meteorites but don't know for sure. Here is the video to find out. And don't be afraid of bad news, only 1 in a 500 have a meteorite.

VIDEO HERE  (8:31 minutes)


  1. O. Richard Norton's Rocks From Space is a great reference book on meteorites, as is his Field Guide To Meteorites.

  2. But even if it isn't a meteorite, it's probably an interesting stone anyway. After all, it got your attention in the first place.

  3. Meteorites don't have holes in them. I have a rock my parents told me for years was a meteorite. Took a grinder to an edge, has small holes in it, under the surface. Turns out it's just a big lump of magnetite. FEO4


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